WWII Vet on Jihadists


One day at a time...
Jun 12, 2007
Cabarrus County (Rimertown)
Quote from a WWII veteran overhearing someone say that "You can't bomb an ideology."

"The hell you can't. Because we did it. These Muslims are no different than the [Imperial] Japanese. The Japs had their suicide bombers too. And we stopped them. What it takes is the resolve and will to use a level of brutality and violence that your generation can't stomach. And until you can, this shit won't stop. It took us on the beaches with bullets, clearing out caves with flame throwers, and men like LeMay burning down their cities, killing people by the tens of thousands. And then it took 2 atom bombs on top of it. But if that was what it took to win we were willing to do it. Until you are willing to do the same... well, I hope you enjoy this shit, because it ain't going to stop."
I like this, Don. The saddest part though, is while the "bad guys" are no different. I'm afraid the "good guys" are much different.

We find our "international conscience" in a dilemma over "blowing the whole place up" vs "surgical military warfare". These people, they hide among the civilians knowing we wont blow the whole city up. So much like a battle against Fire Ants and such. Not only do we not kill all the pests, we don't destroy the nest either. So what ever few pest we do kill, the nest continues to produce more!

But is it really a "national conscience" or "moral dilemma" that stops us from bombing the hell out the whole place?

Without attributing any of this Country's national defense decision making to the "Military Industrial Complex", (We'll save that for another discussion! LOL!), consider this. With all the "decision making" in this country being controlled by multinational corporations, (I believe that reads 'big oil', in this case), we will not just attack these people. We have been in bed with so many different factions in this area to further our business interests. We play both ends against the middle trying to protect our interests in the middle east. We try to kowtow to all of our "allies" in that area. And our allies in the this mess flip back and forth, almost daily. We are helpless to do what needs done to beat these people. Isis is not a strong military force. (When we occasionally do go into an area, we generally kick their asses in short order.) They are simply protected by the policies of our Government to serve and protect business interests in that part of the world. We cant piss off this guy by attacking that guy because this other guy is their ally and some other guys is their ally. Or "we wont help you unless this guy steps down". And the "sides" constantly change!

Much like the situation in Aleppo. When I looked up Aleppo, to learn just what it was all about, I was astonished to see the number of different factions all fighting in that area. And some, on either side are probably our allies in other conflict areas! This is a list of the three main belogerents and all the different 'factions'...

Without firing up the B-52s, and going all, "kill 'em all and let God sort em out", how the hell do you fight a war with a group like this?

I watched a pretty good Frontline the other night. It was a pretty good piece on the battle against Isis and why we cant, (or wont), effectively fight these terrorist organizations in the middle east.

Who's Who in the Fight Against ISIS?

After watching, I just had to shake my head!
Goes back to too damn much government and policy to begin with. Too long we have half assed and jumped in ankle deep instead of fully swimming up stream. Our flotation device, ie economic strength is now full of holes. Our Rescue hail marry, ie military has the weakest numbers and foremost weakest leadership in years. This ship is going aground and the damn pilots are driving straight on.

God help us because what we really need is a full on citizens mutiny. But that's all being handled by our government by so equally dividing us. When in your life @Granny Have you seen this nation so polarized that the numbers for or against any one thing have been so even? Not since the Civil War I declare. But it isn't North and South. It is in my heart blinded socialistic ideals vs. more grass roots civil, personal liberties. Liberties only being recognized by the ever shrinking physical condition therein.