XJ lift questions


Oct 19, 2008
Raleigh/Blackankle , NC
So in the next few weeks I'm gonna start the build on a 1997 xj. Planning on doing RE's 3.5" super ride and running 32 x 11.50's. I've done some research and found that RE's lifts usually run taller than the stated inches, and that this lift usually runs 4-4.25". So the question is, will I be able to get by on a t-case drop or am I going to need to do an sye and cv-driveshaft?? Any input would be great..thanks.
I'd try it with no drop, no SYE and see how it works. If you get some vibes, deal with it later. Depending how much you wheel, I wouldnt want to give up the belly clearance with a t-case drop, I'd go with an SYE. I've been hung up on my XJ t-cases too many times, with varying lift heights between 2-4". I use the t-case skid for sure, and cracked one unprotected t-case.