XJ or ZJ ??

Is everyone afraid to swap the tcase? Its not that hard and is a cheap upgrade...

Not seeing why people are trying to make the point to not get a zj because of the 249 tcase

XJs have a/c too so....
The stock transfer case in the V8 is a NP249 full time 4wd case which is weaker than the NP242 selectrac. Both are weaker than the 231 but you loose the full time 4wd with the 231 if that's at all important to you.
Yes they are all interchangeable. I don't think anyone is suggesting not getting a ZJ due to the 249. My only point was that a V8 that comes w/np249 is overkill for a trail rig. The 249 that comes stock w/the V8 is a weaker case than what comes in the 4.0 zj or XJ.