XJ Shackles 0" lift?


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2013
Efland NC
Can anyone point me toward some 0" lift shackles (factory) that aren't the omix-ada / crown / doorman / moog / etc. type? I have been to a couple of different stores, and it looks like they are all likely made in the same factory. They are all stamped out of a single piece of metal and welded closed to hold the bushing. The problem is NONE of them are made correctly, where they should cradle the spring and have two parallel pieces, they are all shaped like a V, which results in a singular point of contact (metal to metal) spring to shackle. I had hoped torquing down the bolt/nut would true this up, but it didn't. I have tried to use my press to true these pieces, but it just skews the centerline alignment of the body bolt and the spring bolt.

I bought what I thought would be a good set of moog shackles which was apparently $65 pissed away.

I am looking to keep this XJ basically stock, I already have a HD set of crown springs in the rear, and they put the rear 1.5" up, looks like I will need to toss a larger isolator under the front springs once I get this sorted out.
Can you use a vise and hammer or press brake to rework the ones you've got and straighten them out?

I've got some front coil spacers collecting dust if you want them, I believe they are 2"
I tried to use a press to straighten them out, but between the material spring back and the one sided nature of the force application, it doesn't end up solving the problem. I know an XJ is easy to lift, but this is going to be the wifes daily, so stock is the name of the game. We are looking to avoid shims, driveline vibrations, and obviously maintain a comfortable entry height.

XJ Heavy Duty Adjustable Lift Shackle - Iron Rock Off Road

I ended up with these, they are a bit pricey for stock sized shackles, but they should work out of the box.....and even a second set of stock (i.e. defective) shackles is $100+ at any local parts shop. At least my moog shackles came the leaf side bushing and hardware....so I guess I paid $65 for 2 bushings and 4 bolts.

Thanks for the offer just the same @grapehead
OEM is likely a reboxed version of the junk being made by the same company, that is making the defective parts for the manufacturers listed in my first post. Plus, I don't know that I have seen bushings for OEM style shackles.

Iron Rock shackles came in last week, got them on, and they fit fine. I need to pack them with grease, as the poly bushings squeak a bit. I am glad I didn't get any lift shackles, until my new rear springs settle, the XJ has a bit of gangster lean going on.