Yard question. Bugs?


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
I have an area of my backyard that used to be gravel. I covered it with grass clips over the years. Now it's about an inch deep with dirt and grass. But today I noticed HUNDREDS of holes. Something is digging holes about 1/2" wide. Any ideas what's making this?



Maybe birds burrowing for bugs?
If this was warmer weather my guess would be ground wasps. They love my red clay around here. In warmer months they'll build entire colonies under ground with holes everywhere.
I've got the same thing going on at the end of my driveway. I was thinking some kind of bird also.
Being gravel just under the grass, I have a hard time thinking it's Moles or Voles. I do see dove in my driveway constantly, but some of these holes are a couple of inches deep. Dove have a short beak. It's like a damn woodpecker has been hammering away.
I have some similar holes in my yard here. Seen a skunk digging for food at 3 am one morning. Might be the same for you, don't know
I've got a big oak tree in my front yard. The squirrels will dig lil holes similar to that looking for acorns. Any oaks near by?
Got the exact same holes in my yard, can't say for sure b/c I have not seen them do it but crows are always out there so they get the blame.
Stick you finger in one, get a nice beer and a blanket, and just hang out for awhile... come see what nibbles on ya.