YJ Blank Corner guards?


New Member
May 27, 2007
looking for a set of corner guards for my yj mostly to cover up some recent carnage but having a small stupid problem. I have a cj tailgate and 4" round tails. Anyone know if someone sells uncut corners?
make your own.

Not trying to be funny, but if you cant find some ready made ones, it shouldn't be that hard to make your own. Find something with the approximate radius. A length of pipe, an old (empty) oxygen cylinder. even a tree limb might work. Form the sheet metal around it. If you find the thickness of the metal you chose is too thick, heat it with a rosebud torch. If using an empty oxygen cylinder, you'll want to open the valve all the way. If you need a lip on the bottom edge, notch along that edge (only where it's radiused, every 1/2 inch or so & fold the edge over with vise grips & weld the little seams.
^was my next thought but as cheap as they are to buy and as hard as it is to find time for anything these days thought I'd just try and buy a set if possible. Hell I just realized today the most time I've had to punish the jeeps this year was cruising the beach