YJ half doors on my CJ


New Member
Oct 21, 2006
my CJ does not have the newer style striker and i want to put YJ half doors on it. i am looking for anyone who has overcome this obstacle and would be willing to help me do the same.

my CJ does not have the newer style striker and i want to put YJ half doors on it. i am looking for anyone who has overcome this obstacle and would be willing to help me do the same.

just swap to the later style striker
easier said than done. new style striker doesn't just bolt on. i was kind of hoping someone here had found a way to make it work.
My early model CJ-7 tub did not have that extra 'rect. tube' formed inside the tub (can be seen in the 4wdH link above, where the black triangular bracket bolts to). When I put hard doors on, I removed the striker from the black triangluar bracket, and just screwed it into the door flange onthe tub, new holes drilled in tub. It was pretty ghetto because the door didnt seal 100%, there was about a 1/2" gap between the rear edge of door and tub. Looking at it now, I could've bolted an L-bracket inside the tub to move the striker inboard a little bit. One more ghettofab thing on my CJ was merely a drop in the bucket though :lol:
If you look hard, you can see the large hole I drilled for the striker, underneath the soft door latch...
RenegadeT...what am i looking at in that pic? i see the hole under the soft door latch, but what is that you are holding?
RenegadeT...what am i looking at in that pic? i see the hole under the soft door latch, but what is that you are holding?

I am holding the guts from the door latch linked above. The striker unthreads from the rest of it, notice the blue toc-tite. The striker goes thru the hole, then the rest of the assembly goes inside the tub. 2 nut/bolts hold the rest of the assemby to the tub. Of course the soft top latch has to be removed, first...and they are rusted in place right now, I didnt feel like drilling them out right now.