Yota drivetrain swap time


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
statesville/boone NC
Im going to start collecting parts for my drivetrain swap in my 82 yota. The plans so far are 350/th350/np203/d300.

This is my question....

Will any th350/203 combo work or are there some trannys and years better than others? This assuming I can still get the adapter for the 203/300. Anyone have any input or better choices?
well I wanted the small block swap to begin with but the dual trannies were just cheaper, much cheaper. Now that I have the money, I am going to start looking. WIll the 231 hold up to a 350 with 40s and possibly 42s in the future? I know the 203/300 would
well chip is running the 231/300 setup in his jeep with a 360 and 44s... and there are guys on pirate running them as well...

the 203/300 setup will probly be stronger, or you could goto a 203/205 setup...