What transmissions can i put in my 1995 jeep grand cherokee with the inline 6? i think it has the 42RE but this is the 2nd time i will be replacing it and was wondering what other transmissions will bolt up?
Have you replaced the one-way check valve I the return line? If not that is your issue.
I'm not sure if the aw4 will bolt up, it's your only other option, there would be a lot involved in that.
the 42re isn't a bad transmission, the front half of the trans hasn't changed in 30 years, it's a proven platform. when rebuilt properly they are as good as anything out there(for their application)
i would love to swap in the ax15 and have a 5speed manual transmission but i dont have the time or money right now for it. i just need to get it fixed real cheap and real fast.haha