what beer are you drinking?

That is a good one. We like their Jai alai and Brown Ale.
Jai alai is a regular rotation…this was a sampler pack had it, Florida man, jai low and …a citrus ale…they was all ok. The Florida man has a decent kick
So a friend from Cincinnati come to Harlan for the Crawl some times. We try and share beers. I bring stuff from SC he brings local stuff. Not going to lie this is a great Imperial IPA
Beer + Bacon = WIN!
Oh this dude thinks he's slick. Hell mosey on up to a group of us drinkers and beg us to pet him. Hell wait til one of us sets a beer down and topple it nose first just to steal a few sips of cold beer. I'm onto his system. 😂
Wait what? I love Lt Dank... what is the vudo?
Some ole shitty tonight. Pregaming for the weekend with the BR crew.