2023 CTB Schedule Discussion


Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Mar 18, 2005
Reidsville, North Carolina
Discussion thread for 2023 Ride schedule.
Please use this thread for Discussion ,Questions, Suggestions, etc concerning the schedule.
I, Would have, made more rides this year, but most of you know of the Disasters I've had with the 360 engine. It's back being done over, for the second time. I have almost always, preferred the easy-mild trails, & dirt over rocks. Not much to choose from anymore; I Know. When, I'm able to get back riding, it will be places like Uwharrie, Potts, & Windrock. I haven't been to GER yet, so still undecided on that. At AOP, I broke down & I'm grateful for the two day passenger rides. But the only thing I really enjoyed, was Coppinger Cove! AOP, seemed to be a Rock bash. Harlan? Naw; so little for an easy ride, & any other members that would do the easy, plus know Where we are going. Kiaro's ; Like the rest, I traveled there, and stayed in a local hotel. Came into the Park, on time, & was ready to ride. We lined up over an hour late, then seemed like we waited another 45 minutes, to get Started! We headed out for the Easy trail [is there more than 1 ?]. It was Nice & we traveled slow. Stopped at an overlook, & took Extra time there. Many of us ate lunch. We moved on, & got back to the Camp ground. It had been two hours, if not a tad more. I loaded up, returned to my motel. It was So early, I checked out & dove home.
No offense or problems with anyone! Just saying the Mega Camping group & Rock crawler's, will do their Thing, & the rest of us will do what we are comfortable with.
GER has a bypass for everything. I'm not sure if the club even saw the lower creek area. It's a beautiful area that reminds me of big creek when we were able to ride IN BIG CREEK
It's a wonderful area to chill in (think mini version of the river oasis at Kairos)
There's SO MANY leisurely trails at GER to make a whole day of "overlanding" and never see a rock.
I promise you, I can show you parts of GER that will make YOU. Lover of that place too.
Oh.. and there's a "grand hotel" there to even satisfy "Rodney the hotel dweller" 🤣
For me, life gets in the way and so wheeling is not high on the priority list right now.
I had the trailer hooked up on Friday for URE until I realized it was the last weekend of the season. Then I unhooked it. Last year I thought we decided to do URE prior to the final weekend because we spent more time waiting on Overlanders to move on than we did riding. So I didn’t want to spend that kind of time sitting and waiting. How did it go this year? Lot of waiting around, or did you get some good riding time?
Very little waiting, especially compared to last year. Went to Dickey Bell and waited about 2 minutes after having rode Rocky Mt/Saw Mill/Slab Pile and Dutch John. Only had some traffic on Rocky Mt.
Very little waiting, especially compared to last year. Went to Dickey Bell and waited about 2 minutes after having rode Rocky Mt/Saw Mill/Slab Pile and Dutch John. Only had some traffic on Rocky Mt.
I was there this weekend as well. Friday nobody was out and Saturday we only waited long enough for a quick lunch at Dickey Bell climb.
I plan to make the February ride in the TJ.
Thought it was pretty cool UA 2022 hit Hurricane Creek and Coppinger Cove this year.

Then I'll make at least one of the GER rides and a couple of the URE rides in something.
Good Afternoon yall. With my build finally finishing up, I'd like to start going on some rides with the group and ultimately become part of your community. Is @amcjeepman the best person to reach out to for membership information? Thanks in advance!
He probably is but I'll warn you, he's pretty slack and procrastinates a lot! :D
I hope to ride more than 2 rocks at GER without breaking in 2023, cripple creek is calling my name!

That's about all the feedback I have, I had fun with everyone on all the rides I was at this year.
Email today from Ben Covington, 2023 Club Commander:

"For those of you not present at the Christmas party on Saturday, we discussed a number of topics, but particularly our 2023 ride schedule. Initially we had decided to ride Kairos (VA) in January and Hurricane Creek (NC) in February, but I have since learned of a conflict. It has been suggested that we flip flop these two rides. So, unless we have a compelling reason not to make this change, I recommend we ride Hurricane Creek Saturday January 7 and ride Kairos Saturday February 11. I welcome any comments or questions.


Ben Covington
CTB Commander 2023"
hope i'm done with the 14b to make the GER you guys have been so happy with.
How is Ivy branch comparatively? I've heard of it before just not the conditions.
Here is the in-car video of trail 90 from the begining. One of my favorites at Ivy Branch. The video above just highlights the butchers block section of 90

@CasterTroy do you need a helmet for ivy branch still? My Google fu confuses me if you need one or not.
It's back Home! Sounds good, & feels good, for a 1 block run at the Shop. But I still need to go over everything, do oil/filter change, & all the Little stuff. Will need some driving & break-in, before hitting the Trails.


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Hey Everyone. Is there an updated ride schedule? Couple weeks ago was the BOD meeting. I think the ride schedule was discussed about May and Aug. Also are we doing anything at the Eldorado Outpost for opening weekend April 1st?
It's included in the March Newsletter. April 14-16 > Trailfest / Uwharrie, NC4x4 handling registration.
May 19-21 Potts Mtn.
August 11-13, Ivy Branch cancelled. Replaced by Good Evening Ranch.
September 29 - Otc 1, Dixie Run.