Rock Garden Material Needed


New Member
May 8, 2006
Greenville NC
Our club "NCKrawlers" has been trying to create a local playground and have been needing material to create obstacles. So far we have used dirt, huge concrete pipes, and telephone poles. All of that is fine but we really need some huge rocks and/or chunks of concreat.

So if you have access to huge rocks and/or some concrete from a demolished building etc let me or any other NCKrawler know via PM or you can call me 252-241-1569 Bill :beer:

P.S. The closer to Greenville/Washington NC the better.
uh oh...all the asshats havent started replying with doughboy comments yet
yall are getting soft

Well when I saw the thread, I was fully poised to make a Doughboy comment...but then I saw the poster was a member of NCKrawlers...and those guys are cool in my book.
Also, if you are having a hard time find rocks get in touch with some consruction companys. Once in a while they will hit huge rocks and have to break them up in chunks the the size of rigs (seen that happen twice in durham). If you offer a place for them to send it for free they might take you up on the offer

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