Stolen Gas


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Well it happened. Been here in the same place since 1985, and finally had something stolen.

Got one tank out of my big van, and then another tank out of my $100 trade lot parts hauler van.

So, off to Advance and Auto Zone for four locking caps. I figure they stole at least the cost of the caps between the two Vans..

Oh well, tis the season to be Merry. Merry Christmas to someone!
i shot some ass in the back of the head with 3 frozen paintballs before he got out of my driveway.

he wont be back...

no way to have a locking gas cap on a fuel cell :(
I was thinking more along the lines of wiring it up to 220 or 110 and lighting them up, but didn't know how without blowing up the van too! LOL


Course, his dog is a Lab.. Might lick 'em to death.

Damn Chip, that really blows.. At least they didn't take the 'pane tanks! (Because I'd be PISSED if they were gone when I come back this weekend to steal those! :flipoff2: )
Yeah need to put the cable lock I bought several months ago on them!
Just kinda caught me off guard, have never missed a thing. With all the vehicles that are around, no one new when I was home or not.
As far as the dog goes, she is a watch dog, she watches the food bowl, she watches the grand babies, she watches for tid bits, she watches the inside of he eye lids. She's big enough, weighing in at 107.
x2 on the paintball gun. I was just thinking the same thing when I read your post. Frozen paintballs would hurt like hell. I garantee he wouldnt be back! OUCH! Those guns will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.
Have to see them to shoot them.

Besides, I am old school. I think rock salt in the 50 cal muzzle loader would work
They will probably be back! Set some BOOBY traps! You are a pretty smart guy and there are alot of smart people on here. I bet we all could come up with some good ideas!
I was thinking more along the lines of wiring it up to 220 or 110 and lighting them up, but didn't know how without blowing up the van too! LOL

Just energize the gas door...
Not the cap:bounce2: :bounce: :bounce2:

Or...use all locking gas caps but 1....fill that tank with something sure to do an engine lots of good (salt water?)

Of course that needs to be a non-running rig...

1 last thought, the gas door could make a nice spot for a set of contacts wired in series with say a 70 watt industrial alarm siren inside the gas door...let you know when they are there and blow there ears off...

All great ideas but most of us know that we got to play by the stupid little rules the liberals passed years ago. You know, the criminal has more rights that us law abiding types. That said, let the DOG do the work. After he eats half the a$$ off, should they come back, no charges will be filed if you have one of them "Tresspassers will be shot, all survivors will be prosecuted" signs in the yard. If your current fido won't do the job, I'm sure he/she would love to have a friend to play with all day. Go to the pound and get a chain saw on 4 legs.

My $0.02 :beer:
I was actually thinking along that line. Tie the dog where he could get to the cars and such, but, I ain't one to tie a dog up. I couldn't let it loose, because of the neighbor that shoots animals, has shot 2, possibly 3 of mine so far. ( won't go into it, a story in it's self) and he is the primary suspect. I dog that would bark when someone come around would be god enough, no need for the saw. I figured it would run the course, Dog barks, Leslie elbows me to check it out, I get up, load his A$$ full of rock salt. But, my reaction time isn't very fast, if I am coming out of a sleep, so he would be way down the road by the time I was locked and loaded, and coherent enough to aim.
So I took the easier way out and got locking caps.
Sugar in gas doesn't do anything. Now, some methanol mixed with some low octane gas. That would make for fun times. Or some 2stroke oil.
Be sure to mark it as "Gas! No 2-cycle!" to really boost their confidence and increase the chances it makes its way into their tanks.
You could even put a beehive in the beater van's tank for the next time they try and siphon some of your $2.35 a gallon gas. It could only lead to humor.
A buddy of mine said "Watch this" as he opened my locking gas cap with his pocket knife in about 3 seconds. I want back to convenience screw on cap.
A locking cap won't much mores slow them down. Unless you can find a really good one? Try a pocket knife before putting alot of faith in one!
And I read somewhere sugar would only clog up injectors?

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