00 xj 8.25/D30LP moving right along

well...(ghetto but works) i installed a power inverter and will just run a regular 110v compressor in the back and have it fill this tank. It's a cheap and ghetto way of onboard air but works well and cheap. How would i know how much air this thing will hold, say 150psi, without exploding.
Are you converting your AC compressor for air
i would like to eventually do this setup since i have several good compressors but i guess too lazy for that right now,lol
It should have a rating marked or stamped on it somewhere. If I didnt know, I wouldnt trust it past 100-125. your 110v compressor may never build that much pressure anyway. I was trying to fill my small tank at home while I had my brothers 110v compressor, couldn't get it past 90.
well i got it all hooked up and painted so tomorrow will try to set it up to maybe 80psi and see how that does to fill up tires from 10 up to 30 as i would after wheeling and if 80 is enough in the tank than i will just do that...the only thing stamped anywhere on it is "PST 5-60" whatever that stands for.
FMOI "For My Own Information" lol: i learned a valuable lesson today...pull diffs covers and thoroughly check diffs before selling them...the guy who came to buy the 8.25 turned out wanted to see the gears so when we pulled diff cover..tada!! had a dang locker in it and what looked to be a bigger/different carrier so most likely bigger gears. lesson learned!! he was pretty stoked.
I would say that it would be better than what a 110 would do running on an inverter. The harbor freight ones are pretty popular and seem to last a good while. Heck, run two at the same time if you want. As cheap as they are you can't go wrong. My old 12V compressor which was 20 years old and aired up many a slick and drag radial finally died and I just ordered one of the HF models based on reviews on Pirate. I plan to make it quick connect to my 6 gallon tank in my tool box with a external quick connect on the outside of the box. I have a 20' coiled poly hose to use with it. Hope I don't need it LOL but it will be there if I do. A 6 gallon tank will air up most tires pretty quickly.
its definately good idea..i guess i like speed of these big air tanks..last night i put 50psi in it and took 2tires from 10>30psi in like 15seconds each..then the tank was still at 20some psi left...hmmm dang, i wonder how much faster it would do with it at 100 or 150, lol. Today i'm gonna go talk to the Tank/Propane/Acetalyne place of business and get their numbers on "safe" running psi in this can. i was reading up last night these supposively are good for like 320psi and higher!!!:eek: I'm hoping this info is true...this tank at 200psi filled....would do several people's tires on the trail!!lol
air tank 2.jpg
air tank setup.jpg
well heres the tank in the jeep for mock up:"Ghheettto" he he he..freakin HUGE:D!! but fits so good at the same time...Wednesday i'm taking the tank to have it purged and pressure tested for maximum psi and stuff for only 20bucks so that will be a good peace of mind about it. HUGE but i like it!!! :D
That sir has the potential for one badass potato cannon!

Please build a potato cannon :lol:
he he I know. i love it. probably one of the "most ghetto" things i've done but i'm like that...hey nice to have the extra weight too...between the tank and that container full of 60ft of logging chain plus parts and gallons of coolant...rides/seems to be a little more stable in the rear and not as rough so for trails should help out a little with keeping rubber on the ground maybe, lol. i can't wait to get the tank back a week from wednesday to see how much PSI it is good for..the guy thinks it will be able to safely hold 360psi...I HOPE SO! that would be some serious on board air LOL
oh btw...someone feel free to have a moderator i guess move this thread to "build threads" since it seems to be more in that category than this so i'm not like out of bounds with thread posting. thank you. hope all have a great weekend!!!
Interesting idea on the big tank.
yeah...after a year of sitting in the shop collecting dust i thought now that i got a jeep to mess with that's my new trail rig, perfectly good use for it for on board air...ESPECIALLY if it test good up to 250psi or more like the guy thinks it will!!
I like the idea of onboard air, but with the availability if 12V pumps that can quickly air up tires, idk if it'd be worth giving up the space in the back that tank is taking up.
Just my opinion though.
it does take up room but i don't really have much other use for it..i have roughly 90ft of chain + 30ft strap...coolant,oil,belts, sensors, blocks, front and rear driveshafts, tools set when i go, and maybe small cooler of food and drinks so the space for me wasn't an issue for now.
is a 88 F250 front and rear diffs worth the work/fab/upgrade for xj to beat on? might be able to get trade work on the whole truck...
ohh thanks.
well..i think if the guy wants to do descent trade for whole truck..i'll take it and deal with it...IF it's Dana 50 front and would guess 9" rear, IF the deal is good for me, I probably will do it...i figure i'm used to wheeling xjs for 14years with up to 38s on D30s so surely Dana 50 ought to do me just fine for what i would do ever, so we will see what he's willing to work out.
you missed it. It's not a solid axle front end. the amount of work would be astronomical to swap in a front end that doesnt work well.....
There is a difference between a D50 and a D50TTB axle. The latter of which will be found in the truck you are talking about trading for. Hence why I said no, it won't work. And most likely its got a Sterling 10.25 in the back, not a 9".
Best case scenario, if you do get that truck, you can trade it to someone for a set of 44/9 or if you're real lucky a 60/70. Scrap value is what I'm getting at here.
oh..my bad got confused on non straight axle part..well today so far not looking too good a trade on my end so probably let it go after what i understand now about it even more so. thanks for input.
Here is the TTB axle. Its junk for anything other than stock application. Even so, its still junk.


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