10 worst places in NC to live.

Way to go, Salisbury...err "Shotsbury" :clap:
Salisbury was no shock to me at all. I remember a few years ago, me and the family had just gotten home from eating at that Chinese Buffet behind the Chick Fila and we saw on the news that someone tried to rob it with a shotgun just minutes after we left and an off duty copy shot the dude while he was chowing down on some fried rice, lol.
To each is their own but I'm not going to say I don't like it. I like all bbq except for that horseshit alabama white sauce. I think we all can agree with that.
To each is their own but I'm not going to say I don't like it. I like all bbq except for that horseshit alabama white sauce. I think we all can agree with that.
Alabama white sauce? Is that a real thing?
Way to go, Salisbury...err "Shotsbury" :clap:

At work...so didn't play the video, but know Salisbury has been ranking on those lists for a few years now, and was curious if we made it again. It was one thing when it was MLK Jr Blvd and Hoorah St...but as recently as last week, it's encroached in to my neighborhood. I'm only about 4 miles from the square. The neighbor behind me and the neighbor across the street from me has had their vehicles broken in to. So I've been having night vision parties for a week now...
Salisbury was no shock to me at all. I remember a few years ago, me and the family had just gotten home from eating at that Chinese Buffet behind the Chick Fila and we saw on the news that someone tried to rob it with a shotgun just minutes after we left and an off duty copy shot the dude while he was chowing down on some fried rice, lol.
Ugh I remember that incident. Sadly, I wasn't at all surprised but figured it would be towards the top of the list.
At work...so didn't play the video, but know Salisbury has been ranking on those lists for a few years now, and was curious if we made it again. It was one thing when it was MLK Jr Blvd and Hoorah St...but as recently as last week, it's encroached in to my neighborhood. I'm only about 4 miles from the square. The neighbor behind me and the neighbor across the street from me has had their vehicles broken in to. So I've been having night vision parties for a week now...
Oh yeah, we're #7. And people wonder why I don't pump my own gas or go to the store alone. Forget Wal-Mart, I'm not trying to die šŸ˜³

I'm in the northwestern part of the county (in between Woodleaf & 601) and we just installed cameras due to recent break ins. I'll keep my ass in the boonies!
Do say what now?
Do You Understand English GIF
Looks like y'all are about as worried about it as I am.
Obviously I'm in SC, and according to practically everyone, Charleston and Columbia are two doors down from hell itself.
According to Gangland, the 7400 block of Garners Ferry rd (aka G-ferry) is so infested with hood rat gun-slinging crack dealers and homeless pedafiles living in the woods that I shouldn't leave the house without being escorted by federal agents driving armored cars.
Pssshhh.... I'm across the street drinking beer with some honkies, brothas and sistas in one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I walk up here once a week. On my walk back home I plan on stopping by to chill with my homeless friends for a while.
Scare tactics are for idiots.
Looks like y'all are about as worried about it as I am.
Obviously I'm in SC, and according to practically everyone, Charleston and Columbia are two doors down from hell itself.
According to Gangland, the 7400 block of Garners Ferry rd (aka G-ferry) is so infested with hood rat gun-slinging crack dealers and homeless pedafiles living in the woods that I shouldn't leave the house without being escorted by federal agents driving armored cars.
Pssshhh.... I'm across the street drinking beer with some honkies, brothas and sistas in one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I walk up here once a week. On my walk back home I plan on stopping by to chill with my homeless friends for a while.
Scare tactics are for idiots.

That's actually a good perspective...my area may have meth dealers and a shooting every now and again...but where I grew up was between Chicago and Milwaukee. Heavy drug rings and gang activity. The school I went to had metal detectors back in the 90's...and you literally couldn't have recess because of the frequency of driveby's. And by that scale, Salisbury doesn't even register.
That's actually a good perspective...my area may have meth dealers and a shooting every now and again...but where I grew up was between Chicago and Milwaukee. Heavy drug rings and gang activity. The school I went to had metal detectors back in the 90's...and you literally couldn't have recess because of the frequency of driveby's. And by that scale, Salisbury doesn't even register.
I look at it like this:
The population of the world is not decreasing. At all. Population brings undesirable people. There's nothing that can be done about it. Every area we could live in WILL sooner or later go to crap.
Areas also improve.
From where I live, .5 miles from the bar I'm sitting in there's USC campus. USC school or medicine. University of South Carolina is growing like a plague. They're spreading all the way across downtown and into my area. So is big industry. There's ground being broken for a White Claw factory exactly .3 miles from my feet. That brings in money. I've spied my property value going up $500-1000 a year. If it gets too chaotic, I'll split and head south, knowing it'll follow me. It's inevitable. Cope, move, or spend your life chasing stardust.
Me personally, I don't have a reason to hate where I am.
Spent 4 years in graduate school in downtown Detroit in the early 90ā€™s. Recalibrates ones sense of bad.
Glad to see Fayette-Nam holding strong at 3rd... lol
True shit hole. The Walmart on the corner of Yadkin and Skibo got so bad that Fort Bragg made it off limits to all military personnel. Been that way for a few years now. I had a friend get jumped by 2 dudes in the parking lot on the way back to his car. He was buying back to school supplies for his daughter. He cracked on of the dudes skull, and beat the hell out of the other. It was awesome. All on camera as well.