2011 April Ride - Uwharrie


Apr 18, 2005
Greensboro, NC
We had a great turn out for the ride! Thanks to all who showed up! We gave away the 3 annual passes the Forest Service donated to the club. The winners were Jeff Webb, Matthew Isenhour and Rick Jackson. Rick had already purchased his annual pass so he re donated it and drew Kenneth Mosteller's name for the third pass. I sold a few T shirts and stickers, met some new faces and had a nice trail ride.

Since the turn out was so large, we broke up into two groups. Nate Lenfert led one group to Daniel and RJ Mozeley led the other one to tackle some of the tamer trails before hitting the hard stuff later on.

Robert Taylor had a problem on his Monster Toy:

No. The portal box is fine. I sheared off the brake rotor mounting bolts. The brake rotor came off with the wheel and tire. Three of the bolts were black all the way through and two were half grey and half black. From that I believe that I broke three and cracked the other two at the SFWDA ride in Tracy City, TN. I drove the whole morning with my wheel held on by two half broken 18mm bolts.
We made a skid out of an old oak log and I drove out in three wheel drive...
I'm sure that there will be a lot of pictures posted. It looked like a lightening storm with all of the camera flashes going off....

BTW, at :46 of the video you can see the girl that was on top of my truck moon us :lol:

Kenneth Mosteller got to use his on board welding setup on his own rig for a change when one of his skid plate bolts let go on Kodak Rock.

Other than those two incidents it was an uneventful day of trail riding on a beautiful spring day. Hope to see you there next time!
Had an awesome time, and it was nice to meet so many people. Here are a few of the pics I got on the day

At the Outpost getting ready to go




In the parking lot about to head up Daniel



Going up Daniel




I had a great time guys! It was nice to finally meet so many Trailblazers, and I look forward to our next ride.

Thanks again to everyone for their help in getting me going and for their patience.
Great meeting everyone. Had an awesome time wheeling and camping!
Great pictures, Big Clay! Forgot to offically meet you, in the parking lot. Welcome! I rode with RJs group. A great CTB turnout, and a great time for all. Thanks to ALL that showed up!
Great meeting everyone. Had an awesome time wheeling and camping!

89Wrangler, I meant to ask you how you're liking the auto?

I had a great time even though I had to split out early. I had/still have, a BUNCH on my plate at home and work and couldn't spend the whole day on the trails with you all. I got some work done when I got home from 2:pM to about 7PM when the rain hit. Hope the storms didn't hit the guys camping too hard sat night camping.
I too had a good time this weekend... which, for whatever reason, I always seem to do on a URE ride. The camping got a little "iffy" on Saturday night, but it appeared that the "bad" weather missed us and we only ended up with some moderate wind & rain. I've definitely seen worse when camping. Not speaking directly for Steve... but I thinks he "likes" the auto. :)
I dont know if it was you guys or one of the other clubs, but I didn't see a single beer can on the trail. Someone did a great job cleaning up after others. Iwas behind granny for a little while on the trail in a green tj but I had to get out of the traffic jam. Im too impatient. Then by the time I made it to kodak it was all rovers. Didnt get to meet any of you.:( Maybe next time.
Had a lot of fun fellas. During the ride I was hearing a lot of feedback from my steering box on my xj so I assume the frame is cracked or the box is pulling apart. Still have to disect the situation. I had prom that night so I did not want to be stranded out there. So I left a little early and avoided kodak rock :/
Glad you made it home OK Nick! How was prom? ;)
I am mixed the auto.

Just trial rding I miss the the stick. just put in the gear I needed for the speed I want and ride. Down hill, no braking. With the auto, I tended to ride a little fast than norm and found myself running away from folks and would have to wait up some.

Climbing over Kodac rock, and he other big rock just above it, I love the auto. The easiest it has done that. Can't have the best of both worlds, so all in all Don is correct. I like the auto so far. Next run will be more of a test for it :wheel:

As for beer, coke cans along with water bottles, I picked up 10 lb ice bag full of them during our stops.

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