Last night I put a new head gasket on my 22r. I set the timing and the truck cranked easy. The timing wasn't dead on but it ran pretty decent. I backed the truck out of the basement to keep from stinking up the whole house and once I made it outside it stalled out. I wasn't that concerned because it was 2am and I wanted to sleep. This morning I went down to mess with it and it wouldn't crank for shit. I pulled my switch panel out and was getting power...then I went to the coil. With the battery charger hooked to it I was getting 14v on the wire going into the distributor. Then I pulled a plug out and checked to see if I was getting fire. The test proved that I was getting fire but I don't know if I was getting enough fire. I tried gas and either, neither of which would even make the truck try to run.
What should I check next?
What should I check next?