24x40 Garage Cost? And options

DSM Turbos

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Found possibly another house since the last one didn't work out but this one doesn't have a garage. It is has 3/4 of an acre and has enough of a spot cleared to build a 20x40 near the back of the lot.

Any idea how much that you think a 20x40 would cost with concrete floors? I was thinking just a steel garage that is tall enough for a lift eventually. Really not sure all the options for garages and everything.

Any idea who in the Raleigh/Wake Forrest area could handle doing something like this?
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It all depends on what you want if a slab with a metal building is what you want it can be done for much less it's the details that will bleed you dry
It all depends on what you want if a slab with a metal building is what you want it can be done for much less it's the details that will bleed you dry

Of course having stick built garage would be nice, but I really don't want to spend 30-40k. I was hoping a slab and a metal building could be done for 15k, been trying to look at garage journal to get ranges on pricing but its not easy.

20x40 isn't large enough but if your wanting to build a garage estimate around $50/Sq ft for a contractor to do it.

I assume 50 bucks a sq/ft for a stick built garage, I wouldn't think one of the metal ones would be near that.
We are talking to builders now for a new house. Looking to do 30x50 stick shop. Most of them are right at 35 per foot finished.
Have you checked to see if there are any zoning ordinances limiting the size of an out building? I could only goes as big as 850sqft when I erected mine. I got mine from http://usbuildingsdirect.com/ at the time they had a factory in Boone. I drove up there with a truck and trailer and brought back my building on two pallets. The building cost me $5500. The concrete pad cost me 8k. I went with 6" thick and a small pad on the side for storage. This was the height of the building phase back in 2004 so thats why the concrete was so expensive.
A few weekends with the help of your buddies you can get the thing put together.
well i built my own 22x34 with 10ft ceilings for roughly 1300 materials, 960roofing, 1400 concrete slab 4"thick, dug it myself and hand nailed everything myself. it was 1/4 of any other garage of similar size that came prebuilt but you gotta have time to do it though. this price includes the trusses i built and all passed inspection first round...i went 4x4 posts 4ft centers but could've done 8ft centers according to inspector so would've saved a few hundred there! good luck on your new shop though.
Have you checked to see if there are any zoning ordinances limiting the size of an out building?

I am really not sure, I looked here for Wake County but it doesn't say - http://www.wakegov.com/inspect/permits/Documents/Guides/accstructures.pdf

edit--- It looks like I am okay. However It looks like 15 feet is as high as I can go most likely.



In all districts, the total floor area of all accessory buildings combined may not exceed the total floor area of the main building.

Accessory buildings and structures must be set back at least 5 feet from any side or rear lot line.

Accessory buildings and structures may not exceed the height of the main building or 24 feet in height, whichever is greater. Accessory buildings and structures located within 10 feet of the lot line of property in a residential district may not exceed 15 feet or one story in height.
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Of course having stick built garage would be nice, but I really don't want to spend 30-40k.
holy cow bro that's expensive...i'm in the wrong line of work then. i would build a 20x40 framed with siding and concrete floor, trusses, 12ft tall and metal roofing for under 10K materials and labor. sheetrock and insulation would run extra but in Raleigh not as needed. i got some good contractor friends that can travel down there for good prices man if you're interested. 30-40K garage for me would be with apartment above it and twice as big!! good luck in your search but search enough and you should find a descent builder to do that size framed garage for under 12k easy.
My 34x40 (1360sqft) was about 16k finished doing everything myself except concrete. Added a 34x20 shed off the end for another 1k-ish. I can't imagine being able to do it much cheaper, as that's about $12sqft including concrete, insulated and finished ceiling, electrical, 18x11 door, 13.5ft sidewall height, 20ft peak. I got one quote for $27k and that didn't include concrete or insulation...
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I assume 50 bucks a sq/ft for a stick built garage, I wouldn't think one of the metal ones would be near that.

Yes that was stick built brick sides insulation drywall wiring everything and he said of course vinyl siding and other options could make it cheaper. But he gave me the high end estimate to cover all bases.
Capitol Buildings has some decent deals. 4 or 5 guys out this way have had buildings put up by them and they were satisfied.
holy cow bro that's expensive...i'm in the wrong line of work then. i would build a 20x40 framed with siding and concrete floor, trusses, 12ft tall and metal roofing for under 10K materials and labor. sheetrock and insulation would run extra but in Raleigh not as needed. i got some good contractor friends that can travel down there for good prices man if you're interested. 30-40K garage for me would be with apartment above it and twice as big!! good luck in your search but search enough and you should find a descent builder to do that size framed garage for under 12k easy.

I'm about to start on a shop here at the house so I dont have to go to the one I rent to work on my junk.
Planned on doing the work myself with a few friends. But I'd stroke a $12k check for a 30x40 and sit back and watch yall go if you are serious. Heck my material list was going to be pushing 10k by my calcs
I'm about to start on a shop here at the house so I dont have to go to the one I rent to work on my junk.
Planned on doing the work myself with a few friends. But I'd stroke a $12k check for a 30x40 and sit back and watch yall go if you are serious. Heck my material list was going to be pushing 10k by my calcs
well i will ask em this week. oh yeah, i built mine like a Pole Barn which saves a lot in materials too and easier with building codes.
I'm about to start on a shop here at the house so I dont have to go to the one I rent to work on my junk.
Planned on doing the work myself with a few friends. But I'd stroke a $12k check for a 30x40 and sit back and watch yall go if you are serious. Heck my material list was going to be pushing 10k by my calcs
Be careful what you ask for. You know as well as I do that you get what you pay for.
Be careful what you ask for. You know as well as I do that you get what you pay for.
But for all the picking JF builds some amazing wood structures. That oil change/ rti ramp is hella strong and incredibly well engineered.

Plus its a garage. If we can build stick built cheaper than a metal building that's another brainer.
But for all the picking JF builds some amazing wood structures. That oil change/ rti ramp is hella strong and incredibly well engineered.

Plus its a garage. If we can build stick built cheaper than a metal building that's another brainer.
LOL, i don't know if your joking or not, i can't tell but anyhow....i'm a little rusty on my building technique and such since it's been over 9yrs since i built log homes but i still managed to build my shop and passed inspection first time around...and i was only out of square 1.25" when i sheeted the roof which for not touching any building materials in that long a time,not too bad...i just built my back roof for my deck 16x12 roof and had it all framed post set and square as can be in one day, second day (today) finished roof and slats for the screen. I would love to build you a shop man, i really would as i love building as much as jeeps but traveling is still not doable for me with my wifes condition. my friend though is putting together some estimates and i will let you know what he comes up with.
1.25" over what size building!?!?!?!
24x34 10ft tall, made my own trusses with glue and plywood 16"oc, 4x4 posts 4ft centers...don't pick too hard now...remember it's been almost 10 yrs
heres some...sorry I promise i'm not trying to show my jeep off man, its the only pictures i have with shop and ramp in the background...i can get you some good pics tomorrow...siding is ...well i've been too lazy to put it on, will get put on before winter T-111 is what i got for it. the ramp is railroad ties anchored in the ground with 5/8"x3ft rebar after leveling of course, 6x6 PT blocks in between each layer...3 layers total, then 2x12 on top but wasn't wide enough so i got rough cut actual 2x12s and used short and long log ollies to fasten everything....has 6x6 tie it together in front and middle...i've had a 2500 suburban up there no problem and shook the hell out of it trying to get the ramp to move and nada...so i'm happy. eventually will go little higher or dig down foot or so, pour slab and stand up working since my knees are kinda bad!!


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I'm building a 24x32 with a 4 foot overhang out front. Using 6x6's 12' tall in the front and 10' at the back. I'm around 1650 in it so far including the roof tin. Still yet to purchase the 2x6's and 1x4's for the runners. That's going to be close to another 600.. go check out my stuff I've built in the yard thread for plenty of pictures.