Sitting in my work truck taking a break today and notice a nice guy with wife walk into the bank I'm beside and 5 other people flow in as he is holding the door. Three are slow moving..."people" who meant to move slow because a nice guy was holding the door, and the other two were an elderly couple who were not in the best of health. I kinda laughed at the nice guy for being nice but I would have done the exact same thing. Few minutes later I'm ready to get back to work but watching a good video and notice the older couple acting weird hugging beside their car. The nice guy comes over and starts hugging them too and bells and whistles start going off that this is not a "special" moment going on so I head over to help. Dude is falling out in the parking lot and nice guy goes back into bank to get a chair which was a good move. Nice guy's girl is on the phone calling 911 and I know the area and I am feeding her info as 320 lb dude is melting and we are trying to keep him upright.. WE COULD NOT MOVE THIS DUDE! Between his wife, nice guy, and me, we were doing all we could to try to get him to the chair but that was still 5" higher and it wasn't happening. We were pulling him all ways but finally forward and he steadied himself on my knee with his arm and it gave him enough leverage to use his arm to help us and to pick his ass up to get it to the chair, Ambulance finally got there and started all the procedures and wife said he's been coughing for a couple days... I asked Nice guy and girl if they wanted clean wipes and disinfectant but they were being noble and said no. I def cleaned up immediately. I hope the big guy is okay.
I understand medical issues and weight struggles, I'm a bit overweight myself, but this dude was nothing but fat and had nothing to help us with until the right position emerged where he could help. I was worried that I was going to break his arm trying to lift him.
Just a story, not trying to make a big point.
I understand medical issues and weight struggles, I'm a bit overweight myself, but this dude was nothing but fat and had nothing to help us with until the right position emerged where he could help. I was worried that I was going to break his arm trying to lift him.
Just a story, not trying to make a big point.
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