3rd Annual NC4x4 Man Of the Year GIVEAWAY

I don't think I've seen anyone more dedicated to our trails than JC. When others have given up or forgot about the Tellico efforts, JC keeps us updated and encourages us to keep doing what we can for Tellico.

He volunteers tons of hours to event efforts, Tellico, URE, etc.

I'm sure there are others out there, but in this day and age where our lands are being ripped from us everyday, I think efforts with land use get a little special attention
My vote would be for jrraw23 (aka) Ricky Bobby, spends all his time on many events and always makes time for my little boy to be a part of the few events we get to make it to. Thanks Ricky, I appreciate what you do.
Your Hot Dog Guy! gets my vote who can pass on the man that feeds everyone at so many events
I vote for Dylan W. He's been a long time friend. I remember years ago he bummed a can of something (corn,beans,etc.) from everybody in camp and threw it all together and made "Jeep stew" and fed everyone there! It seems he can start with nothing and satisfy and amaze a crowd! He starts charity drives from a whim and it works. He has the longest shoe string budget of anybody I know! The things I know about him behind the scenes are enough for my vote.
If he does win...........does he hafta give back the Tallest Dwarf award back? LOL

To those that voted for me, thanks that means a lot to me.
Thanks for all the support guys, It does take a ton of work to put together these events, but in all honesty its everyone that helps me out that makes it possible - there's so many people that have helped me with various events that I have no way of repaying, I'm prob in debt of owing favors to people for life . . .
Which is one of the reasons why I'll back Chad, he's one of the many that has helped me and the events I've had a part in over and over again, without him and the rest of my friends in the BDB that help me out so much, half the stuff I've done wouldn't have happened, thanks guys. :smokin:
You damn right!
I just can't get this out of my mind, Why can't there be a woman of the year? I mean really, I don't mean to put anybody on the spot or stir up trouble. But credit goes to credit due, right?
Leslie is also a nominee.
Mrs. upnover is a very nice person.
I just can't get this out of my mind, Why can't there be a woman of the year? I mean really, I don't mean to put anybody on the spot or stir up trouble. But credit goes to credit due, right?

I'm sure it's just a title....
Chase likes women too....right?:confused:

And yes, Mrs upnover is very nice person.....and she puts up with Chip and all of us, that makes her a very patient, very nice person .:D

Thanks to all of you that have voted for me, it's an honor to make the list. Those are two BIG names, and two great guys, that are on the past winners list. I know my name dont fall in the same category as those two, but man, that would be cool!
Dylan and JC get my vote. I cannot decide between the two.
JC works harder on keeping up with land issues than anyone I've seen and then takes time to help out the next gen. of wheelers. There have been many times I read post that stated need help fabbing but short on cash...then JC post up come on by. That takes way more then most people realize, most of the time it cost the person donating the time other stuff ie. materials, consumables etc etc

Now for good ole Dylan..His mind runs like Forrest Gump. If Dylan decides he wants to do something for a good cause, hang it up, it's done. I feel very lucky to be able to call Dylan a friend, he took up with me and my son and have treated us like we are family. I've picked up a bunch of friends in this sport, but he's stepped up to a adpoted family member status and always asks about what's up with the little guy(Strader, my son).
For this Year, I'm gonna say Rockcity for his efforts in the Sport...the guy is everywhere and back...24/7...Thanks Rob !!

That's not to Rule Out a Single One of You
Very hard to Decide when this is Truly a Team Effort

I mean who you gonna call for this or that...?? Just read this thread and Bam, you got it right here.

Thanks to All for Doing what you Do...:beer:
Dylan done right by me when I was with jonah at Duke on the Bronco giveaway and I never said Thank You.

Thanks Dylan, you got my vote.
Dylan gets my vote as well.