4Leaf4x4 Competition - May 24


...now so we can get you all the info you need, directions, times, and estimate and number of people so we can buy enough food. First 15 are in Competition. Everyone else will just have fun watching, and can free ride afterwards. $5 per person. We do this to pay for food, trophies, maintaining trails, etc... And the reason we charge everyone the same is to encourage everyone to compete, besides you have just as much fun
watching people brake there heeps, and you get a lunch.

Please bring Chairs (tailgates) and drinks (we will have gatorade).
I'm interested!

I have alot of work to get done before Saturday. But, if its at all possible, I will be there. I haven't even looked at my Jeep since the 4x4 cross (a disapointment). Nothing broke then but, still have to check it out. But, what about rails? Are these obstacles or just trail runs like the 4x4 cross at UNF? Hopefully see ya this week end. Neal
sounds great buckshot..l.
never figured out how to post pix on this site, but if you email me i can email them back tomorrow. its worth the trip. Lots of fun, lots of mud, lots of food, and trophies. email me for directions as well.
P/M sent. I can also try to show you, if we have time on Saturday.
Just curious, are there any non mud events?
Yeah, its gonna be kind-of hecktic at first, cause we really need to get it started. then after we start you can relax a little. you have about 3-5min per vehicle on each trail. The main events and gathering will be in the field with the drag strip and truck pull. We will start cooking as we arrive at the field and serve continuously throughout the events. So if you can get to the pig around 9:15/9:30, we can sign you in, that way we dont have to worry bout that at the trails. We will still be signing in people as the first event is began. Once again, if any one would like to help, please do tell us as you sign in. we will find you something if you are not in the competition. Also if you have a video camera or digital camera, you are welcome to take pix, and if you would be willing to email or let us borrow tape,cd,etc... the more pix/footage the better the dvd. Take care and hope to see you there. We will walk down the trails one time before each event. So be there on time please. If we get a little rain tonight. There may be alot of DNF. there are hills on each course and if they get the slightest wet, it will take a while to get up them, and there is a 6 min time limit on the first course and a 11min time limit on the second . see you there
0 days left!!!
Saturday, May 24th, 2008​

Meet a Piggly Wiggly from 9:15-9:45am!​
Intersections Hwy 55/Hwy 321......Look for White '04 Yota on 35's
We are leaving at 9:45am, so try not to miss that, i can only answer one person at a time, so you may not get directions!
The earlier you arrive, the better position you get (you can choose) and if you arrive with our group we will walk the trail one time!

*Bring folding chairs and Drinks (we Have 5gallon of Gatorade and water)*
Call or Email if you need anything or Questions

We will have comment/suggestion sheet for you to fill out at end of day if you would tell us for next time,​
Thanks, pM
Gonna pass this time. Thanks for the invite though. Need to get the next round of mods done before any competition time.
Quick question- I was told the fastest way to get there from here is to take S.tryon/49 down to 557, then make a right onto 55. but... considering this is memorial day weekend and everybody is going down to the lake, is there going to be a traffic problem? and if so, is this the best way to avoid the traffic? or is the 85s to 321s going to have less traffic. ... Kelly F <- Mike's wife.
85 definitely would have less traffic, but there shouldn't be to much traffic at 9am. Either way is good, i rotate between the two ways from charlotte, there is only a few minute difference. Depends on whether you want to keep rigs off Interstate. Just give me a call if you are running behind a little.
We had a great time time today! Thanks for ionviting us. Would like to bring the YJ out an play one of these days.
Just got back, well about two hours ago.

Today, was the most fun time I have had in A long time. Paul's land has some awesome trails. Everyone there, were A great bunch of folks! I had been uptight about my heep possibly breaking. They talked me into running the first trail. I got stuck once, in the creek. Thought i was going to have to pull cable. They talked me through a few backups, & I drove up out of it. I didn't get very far up the last hill, but I have a stock drivetrain. The only other thing I think I did, was the stop, & go. My heep did A whole lot better, than I thought it would. Great people, great food, & a great time! I hadn't had a chance to wheel this jeep, since it needed a clutch shortly after I bought it. It was nice to get it out, & see how it would do. I learned quite a bit watching the other competiters. Also learned that an 8.8 rear might suit my needs, and my wallet. D60's may wait for a few years. First competition I have entered, where I didn't mind being an also-ran!:wheel: Best thing, I didn't break anything. I did a lot of work, just to get the heep on the road, again. Looking forward to driving it this summer. Breaking would have possibly been more expensive than I can afford, at this time. So not breaking, made the day even better. Will post pics soon.
anyone got any pix of the event send them as soon as possible and we will put them in our DVD. Email,snailmail,myspace,nc4x4,etc....

Had a great time with all y'all out there! Ireally think we had the best bunch of guys we had wheeled with and anytime you want to go wheeling, we will get together, i am serious out there every other day when my jeep is in commision, but we will have another one
Aug 9th, 2008

Any suggestions about the event on how to make it better or just to try out next time, we will definitely take it to mind. ive noticed a couple little things, but i think we have the potential trails and definitely have the food set up good.

I hope we see all y'all again and you bring your friends next time. We are going to put a lot more mud in the drag strip next time, so everyone will go through it.

Take care and keep in touch.
Don't forget Aug, 9th
I missed this one, but will be up for the next

You missed alot of fun and food!! It was great and very well planned out. Everyone was super nice and I am glad I got to meet all you guys. Everyone was super nice and helpful.

Also a big thanks to everyone that let us ride there land, can't wait to see all the pics and film.
Sending pictures to ya

Paul, Again thanks for a great Saturday. Wish I had brought one of my rigs just to play. But, video taping for everyone was just as good. My sister (Laura) will be sending you pictures, if not today, it will be tomarrow. We just got them developed today. I think we had almost 50 pictures. If you were there, and driving something she got pictures of ya. Thanks again. Neal (the videoing guy)
It was an awesome weekend, and don't miss out on the next, we have 2months to work out all the kinks and make everything better than the last. It will be a blast, the video should be completed as soon as everyone sends there pix, we will give you one more week and then we are gonna wrap it up, so y'all can see the results.

A bigs thanks needs to go out to our camera man, Neal. Everyone i had planned to help out bailed on me or my guys were having to much fun with the events (can't blame then) so Neal took the job and did very well at it.

Next time we are definitely gonna have both our video cams going and chargers for the battery. We also need to do video testimonials on each vehicle and there driver, that way everyone that wasn't there can see what you have and how it works. be thinking about that one. We are going to have a little something for 2nd and 3rd places this time. That way when i call you out, you can get something.

And a big thanks for AlphaFourWheelDrive for bringing there rig out there, it was a definite eye catcher and we all loved seeing how it worked and what kind-of damage it could do, lol. Hope to see you next time, please send any pix in by email,snailmail,etc..

Also, we are comming up with a logo for the 4Leaf4x4 if any of Yall would like us to send it with the video or you can purchase it at the next competition for $7

4Leaf4x4 Competition

August 9, 2008​

By the way, if any of y'all enjoy Paintball, we are having a big game day June 7th on the same land where the drag strip is!
Hate I had to work during this one, Paul. Just checked the calendar and I have no work on August 9th at the moment. I'll see if I can hold that open. By the looks of these pics, everyone had a great time.

Maybe this time Dad won't be grounded... :lol:
Make sure you invite you friends or anyone you know that is interested in competing, we look forward to more competition next time. and some different challenges. thanks again, cyall soon, Aug 9th
Dont Forget August 9th Competition!
Meeting at 9:00am
We will also have a Crown Victoria to Up On to take pictures!
This is the last one until Next year, so don't miss out, pM​