94 ZJ Heater Core

Jason W.

Dysfunctional Veteran
Feb 27, 2009
nebo nc
To do myself or not, how big of a bitch is it!
My fathers 94 ZJ is leaking from heater core, debating on doing it myself.. Suggestions...
Never done a ZJ but I've done plenty of XJ's. Look it up on YouTube and go for it.
Give me a call tomorrow if need be. I've done literally hundreds of them.
The dash has to get unbolted a laid back across the front seats.
Then unhook the ac and heater hoses from the firewall. A few nuts under the hood hold the HVAC box to the firewall.
Remove HVAC box from inside and the heater core is on top, held in with a few Phillips screws.
Not a hard job at all just time consuming.
Get a good brand part. My buddy had to do his mom's twice. :rolleyes:
I am assuming I would lose all the ac freon, is this correct?

I may attempt to do it here at the house during the week next week
Yes, requires evac and recharge afterwards. I've got the AC gauges and pump, I'm pretty close by to nebo..

@Jody Treadway .. also needs column dropped down, right? I'm 99% the WJ's had to lower column, zj pretty similar.

Or bypass it till it cools off and do it in cooler weather

Welllllll... Halfway done!
I've done it on 2 zjs and i say this, 10 hours has never sucked so bad! A 98 Kia Sportage takes the cake for me tho had to take steering wheel out and disco frame for dash... 18 hours for Kia
We also put new unit bearings, track bar and steering stabilizer on the front, he is gonna be one happy fella
So you've retired from forklift mechanic and opened up a business as a Jeep mechanic I see