a divorce is in the works

Got mine for free if you go to the courts and get a certain paper ( can't think of the damn thing but will find out and post) the court can decide if you income is to low they grant a divorce for free if there are no problems between the two getting a divorce.
Oh wow! I am making minimum wage right now, I KNOW I would qualify! :D What a great help!
I know someone that printed their papers offline and then the court granted it for free.
mine has been a fight to the end. but the prop. settlement and sep. has been signed now.
My divorce cost me a total of $150 and that was for the filing fees at the court house. I went to a local pro se divorce clinic where they showed me what to do and what papers to file and in what order. I had to wait a year after separation. I represented myself in court and brought a witness.

7 years of hell and it only took $150 to legally get rid of that bitch.
Got mine done March 23rd this year while here in Iraq. I found out on my Birthday May 7th that it was finalized. Now she is either married or getting remarried and trying to take my kids to Germany. She wants me to pay for their yearly visit. I was way to nice but now she can't take them out of country unless I agree and I am not agreeing unles she pays to fly them back yearly. Oh and I retire next year from the Marine Corps. I did a cost analysis of my retirement. I will get $1680 a month. After taxes I get about $1180. She gets $1000 for child support. So I end up with about $180. Not bad huh. Dont give her what she wants just to speed up the process.