A little Wenzeling over on Pirate...

so the end result of Charlie Wenzel is that his name is bashed all over the net??

Are you asking if thats all that happened?
If so, no.
i'm not sure we want to repost all the stuff, but Pictures taken outside his home of gas cans and lighters and some mofo info on his gf....

BTW the post is down now.
not sure what why or how though...
Since the thread is no linger valid can someone give us the dirt? What did he do, and what was done to him in return?


Taken from another website:

"MochaMike bought some "bran new gears" from Charlie for $100.00 + shipping. It was agreed upon so Mike sent $115.00 and Charlie cashed the cheque. Charlie then decided 100.00 was not enough due to a "price posting mistake" so he edited his post and said $125.00 after he had cashed the cheque. Mike recieved the bran new gears (I think) but alas they were not new but used, so he demanded his money back and would return the gears. Charlie refused and said he owed him $25.00 still after he had even cashed the cheque...

Mike just wanted his money back, Charlie hid behind his computer thinking because of the anomynity of the internet he could take him for a ride. He then started personally attacking all the message board users and insults started to fly. As the thread progresses, hundreds of people sign up on the Pirate 4x4 boards to say where they had read the links, lmfao I think just about every message board on the internet has the thread linked. People are photo shopping pics and the whole 9 yards..."

it got messy, LOL. he said no one knew who he was and pirate fellas ended up researching him CIA style.
that's the wenzeling thread, where is the new one?
The kid owes the builder money...I got that straight. Said kid has lied about lots of things including being injured and in the hospital, while at the same time, he posted pics and blogs of him wheeling, which were found and he was outed. Then the 'pirating began'.

Great intertainment and it sucks to be him, but my question is...How far can this stuff go before someone gets arrested for slander/assault/harassment/death threats/threats to his family ect...

I am not pulling for this sak-o-krap at all...I was just wondering how much folks can get away with. I did'nt read the whole 'wenzil' thing, but I know enough.

In other words...if it's online...anything goes? I mean, posting up someones elses info on a MiA Craigs list for gay interludes...would that be like fraud or slander or something?

Not that I dont think its cool.(cause it is)..the kid has had every chance...but how far can it actually go before other bloggers can get into trouble?
that lady in CA caused a teen to commit suicide, and she walked.
craiglist reserves the right to prosecute for posting false ads.

with all the people who are doing this, the kid would spend the next 5 years in court trying to sue everyone. i dont think he has the money, lol.
It just seems too much like the RIGHT kind of justice for the feds to let it happen much longer. The mom only broke the myspace rules, so no real charges.

Just because something is right, does'nt make it legal

And just because something is legal...does'nt make it right.

Either way...point is.. LIVE RIGHT SO YA DONT GET WENZELED !
Must have came to head the thread is deleted.Says it's goin to court.It made it to 31 pages the last time I looked.
Dont think it ever made 31 pages.
It was at 13 and was deleted less than 10 minutes later (thats set at 25 posts per page)
That sucks. I've been keeping up with the thread since it started. It had become pretty entertaining.
I guess it depends on your screen size,but it went 31 pages on my laptop.

OK so after reading the Urban Dictionary listings (whcih are hilarious), I'm finidng my definition of "Wenzeled" is incorrect.

To me, "Wenzeled" meant to be the guy who gets outed/crushed by the mass mob for being a dickhead, showing your ass and screwing with teh wrong crowd online.
E.g., "Keep your nose clean and don't try to screw folks or you could get Wenzeled".

But the above link suggests rather that "Wenzeling" get getting "Wenzeled" rather is to be the victim - the guy who gets screwed/shat on by the lowlife.
E.g., "Be careful whom you deal with or you may get Wenzeled".

I really like the former personally b/c it emphasised the end outcome.

The current link/situation to me is just a reminder of how quickly things can balloon/explode out of control. clearly dude was in the wrong, and I didn't really read all 15 pages, but I never saw a reply from the accused or even any info saying he had replied or responded in any way to the accusations. 90% of that thread happened w/in the last 24 hrs.
Maybe I'm a bit conservative on drawing judgement, but I'd at least like to personally see some shitbaggery on behalf of the accused (like in the Wenzel case) dated after the thread starts to support the mass mobbing... just to show it's not just a few guys fucking with somebody.
there was supposedly an email from his g/f stating that he was working on his rig and it fell on him and he was in the hospital and stuff and thats why he couldnt pay, then he was seen later wheeling it and possibly rolling it. he only posted 4 times total on pirate 2 in the original post about getting the work done on his rig, and 2 more in the post calling him out, one giving his street addy and i think the other was basically calling out pirate nation...IIRC

the outcome so far was the guy that did the work had it deleted so he could take legal action
I just got home from school and i see that the link is gone now. Legal action is where its going. The guy is probably lucky that its off pirate and going to court.:lol:
You're fucking kidding me.. STILL?!?! :shaking:

Not kidding. No matter how good of a group of people you have there will always be some thieves and liars. Sometimes they come in one package. The recent idiot on Pirate4x4 just validates it again.

clearly dude was in the wrong, and I didn't really read all 15 pages, but I never saw a reply from the accused or even any info saying he had replied or responded in any way to the accusations. 90% of that thread happened w/in the last 24 hrs.
Maybe I'm a bit conservative on drawing judgement, but I'd at least like to personally see some shitbaggery on behalf of the accused (like in the Wenzel case) dated after the thread starts to support the mass mobbing... just to show it's not just a few guys fucking with somebody.
After awhile I got tired of reading all the threats, so I started just scrolling down looking for replies from that guy. I saw 2 posts from the guy. The first said he would save everyone some time and he posted his full name and address. The other post I saw from him was responding to everybody saying if he really thought someone was stupid enough to do something, he wouldn't have posted his own address.
The sad thing is he never stated his side of the story or gave a reason why he didn't pay. I expected another excuse or the usual line of "I don't think the work was worth that much or didn't like it" after he agreed to pay and took it home.

I hope the guy takes a mechanics lean and takes the XJ from him.