A little Wenzeling over on Pirate...

WTF? thread is removed???

Yep.. Well it go to where if someone had a similar name (eg. Brandon Waldorph) they were looking up their info and contacting them...

It seems like it went a little too far too fast so I guess Fullsize wanted it axed...

On another note... IF it were me and I was out $500 for some work I did and the guy was fairly close (few hours)... I'd drive to his house and collect...
The sad thing is he never stated his side of the story or gave a reason why he didn't pay. I expected another excuse or the usual line of "I don't think the work was worth that much or didn't like it" after he agreed to pay and took it home.
I hope the guy takes a mechanics lean and takes the XJ from him.

Well... apparantely his "girlfriend" sent Fullsize an email stating that he was in an accident and times were tough and he didnt have the $$ to pay up.... Then the guy (within a day or about the same time) posted pictures up of the lift he just installed claiming he did the chop,etc.
He responded on the first page stating "here is my address and contact info. None of you are going to do anything bout this"

That is why everyone went apeshit on him.
Well... apparantely his "girlfriend" sent Fullsize an email stating that he was in an accident and times were tough and he didnt have the $$ to pay up.... Then the guy (within a day or about the same time) posted pictures up of the lift he just installed claiming he did the chop,etc.

The "accident" was when he was putting the lift on after the chop.

Here is the original post from the wenzelie (guy who got the shaft and needs his dough)

Fullsizexj said:
...I tried to get hold of you a few days after to find out when you were gonna send the money and got no answers, not even a response to emails, then on 10/22/08 I recieve this email claiming to be your girlfriend

We have been at the hospital. One of the jack stands came out from under the jeep while Brandon was working on it. the axle crushed his chest. His left lung is collapsed and he has a bunch of broken ribs and a broken collar bone. He just wanted me to let you know and said that you and your wife were so nice and thought you all would pray for him.

Please keep him in your prayers!


3 days later I find where you have posted pics on MyJeepspace of the lift completely on and you out wheelin it, I find it really hard to believe you recovered that quickly, then I also find a message you left another user on there taking credit for the work I did. After that email you would not answer any kind of communication. Then I find on NAXJA where you attended a Windrock run. When everyone started asking you if you had paid me, you lied to them and said you had. you even PM'd me on there after I fronted you off in that thread with this message and my return message

Originally Posted by leftydawg77
I payed you via. Pay Pal almost Two weeks ago. please stop harassing me and badgering me to everyone. I can't even go wheeling without someone asking me if i payed you or not.

No you have not, my paypal address is fullsizexjgear@suddenlink.net, I don't know who you think you paid

I have left several messages on your voicemail telling you to check your paypal account and give me the Transaction confirmation number so I can make sure, I have searched mine several times to see if you have and there is no payment, the original invoive/money request I sent you still has the remind button availble which disappears once paid so I know you have not paid that invoice. I have your address, your dads address and your phone number which s in your dads name plus where you work and your SS number, you need to step up and talk to me so we can put an end to this crap, I blocked my caller ID yesterday and called and you answered the phone, once you realized it was me on the phone, you played the hello hello I can't hear you game and hung up. That was just more confirmation that you have tried to screw me and are continuing to try and screw me. here is the thread on pirate that qualifies this for this forum, I checked with MattS before I started this thread and have his O.K. for it
On Mallcrawlin.com FullSize said this:

"I closed the thread because some folks were going to far, I want it to stay legal, I will more than likely just haul him into court, I have all the proof I need that he owes the money plus a PM he sent claiming he paypaled it to me which is an admission the money was owed, since he did not send the paypal, he still owes"
ahh...So there is a limit...sorta. Thanks

Uh, yeah.
It's pretty simple, really.
If you're going to publicly flame somebody - don't do it to a lawyer!
That's practically begging for a lawsuit
Uh, yeah.
It's pretty simple, really.
If you're going to publicly flame somebody - don't do it to a lawyer!
That's practically begging for a lawsuit
You are absolutely right...but, that is what this guy is for:flipoff2:

If you use the ole':flipoff2:..you cant be sued, right?:flipoff2:
I deleted the thread because a few folks were going to far, I want to keep it legal, I can get him in court, I have enough saved emails PMs and phone records and things he posted on the net to prove my case

Hey, thanks for checking in here. Nice to know we've reach WV lol.
I deleted the thread because a few folks were going to far, I want to keep it legal, I can get him in court, I have enough saved emails PMs and phone records and things he posted on the net to prove my case
good Luck with the issue.....If the guy comes through Clayton consider an A$$ kicking done
^^^yes, that would have been the tough response:lol:
actually that guy Brandon does deserve an ass kicking, I have always hated theives.