that sucks..big time. i bet the corp of engineers are gonna be busy now.
Probably all that snow we got that froze and then melted disturbing the rock. I know it's done wonders for my neighborhood roads (dang potholes)
How do they milk it for so long? Why can't they just push the rocks on down the hill like would have happened before there was an interstate obstructing the path?
The issue with the first big slide in October is that there is so much piled on top of the other, if they push it, more comes down, making for a serious life threat to anyone on road level, so they are working it from the top down.
As if it wasn't already sketchy towing through the gorge, now you can think about this everytime you go through:D
So glad my truck doesn't even blink with the cruise set on 70 heading up 26:flipoff2:
I had heard they were burning up truckers goin thru Hot springs with overweight tickets.The word should be out now not to go that way but they said as soon as they got done writing one ticket their would be another comin thru.
Pop said the Natives ust to call that side of the mountain "shifting rock." He says they just asked for it when they built the road.

Wish they would hurry up the clean up though. Went to Arkansas at the end of December, and the trip would have been alot shorter if we could have been on 40 all the way out. Instead of all our "detours" from the GPS
How do they milk it for so long?

No shit. It's not that bad. 5 months to clear? Really? It would have taken less time to pave a new road around it...

This is it a week after it happened...

:edit: I also don't see all of the "house sized boulders" that they were reporting. Not even truck sized boulders... :shaking: I'm just bitter about the hour + detour.
Removal is the easy part... keeping it from happening again and again is what's taking so long... I think the 5 months or so detour is better than the years and $$ it would take to reroute the road...
What's so hard about this ? I'm sure there are many areas of the road on the river side that could use more shoring up. Move rock from 1 => 2 go as far east/west as needed.

Can't dump rock near the river because of the rare and endangered left-handed-purple-winged salamander. Or some other crap they'd come up with.
Why is everyone so up in arms about this...Made the run to Nashville right after Christmas, the detour added 20 minutes tops to our trip, unless you are sill enough to run all the way up to 81 I cant see these hour plus delays I keep hearing.

Now if you were in Sylva or such I could see it as you have to back track to asheville...but anyone east of asheville should not be looking at 1+ hour delays
Why is everyone so up in arms about this...Made the run to Nashville right after Christmas, the detour added 20 minutes tops to our trip, unless you are sill enough to run all the way up to 81 I cant see these hour plus delays I keep hearing.
Now if you were in Sylva or such I could see it as you have to back track to asheville...but anyone east of asheville should not be looking at 1+ hour delays

How fast are you driving? It's an extra 53 mile detour. It sucks even worse when pulling a trailer.
As if it wasn't already sketchy towing through the gorge, now you can think about this everytime you go through
So glad my truck doesn't even blink with the cruise set on 70 heading up 26
Josh Hartzell--Mud Devil Member
NEEDED: 40-44" spare tire for a 16" or 17" wheel.

as long as it dont run out of fuel lol
How fast are you driving? It's an extra 53 mile detour. It sucks even worse when pulling a trailer.

I would have to go back and check, but I *thought* it was actually shorter but a tad longer time wise...
We traveled up 25-70 for our detour out west. But missed the first road we needed cause we were on a search for fuel.
Then came way down south on the way home cause of the snow/winter mix up in the mountains. The time didnt really matter to me though. Nothing you can do about the rock slide but go around it.