Here's a better link:
Our internet was down for the last couple of days, and it encouraged me to figure out an issue we've been having with sporadic freezing, macroblocking, etc. I had one antenna pointed at the networks with a second antenna pointed at PBS. The second antenna had a 25 dB adjustable gain amp on it, too. What I was able to figure out was that the second antenna was picking up enough of a signal from the networks that it was interfering. Depending on whether or not the signals were in phase, etc, it would overmodulate or they'd cancel one another out, etc. If the signals were analog, it probably would have been fine, but digital was a problem.
So I thought about buying a new antenna like Fabrik8 posted - something more omnidirectional, or with at least a 180* wide sweet spot (here in Raleigh, we have both VHF and UHF channels, so I need an antenna that can do both).
Instead, I unhooked the antenna that was pointed at the networks, hooked everything up to the one antenna that's aimed at Chapel Hill, and checked the signal. It was perfect. That antenna is at least 120* off from the networks, but it picks them up just fine. I set the amp at about 65% gain and called it good.
tl;dr: There's a spare antenna up in the attic you can go get, if that helps.