Any Honda Mechs. out there?

Alright just finished a compression test. #1 & #2 about 85psi, #3 was at 50psi and #4 was about 110psi. I am I correct that if it was out of time it would have 0 compression on all cylinders due to the valves opening at the wrong time.

It seems very likely that it is a compression issue, so what do I do about it. Bear in mind it was running with no apparent loss of power before the belt change. Would a flooded cylinder make that big of a difference. Thanks guys.
no if it was out of time you would see these type of compression numbers, but you could also have bent valves now and most likely do, honestly the best thing to do is bring it somewhere b/c its going to need some serious work.
The first thing I would do is to squirt a little oil into each spark plug hole. It's free (for the most part) and won't hurt anything. This happens all the time with older BMWs if the customer starts it up and then shuts it off right away. (Like "Oh I left the oven on and I locked the house. I need my keys.")
Just thought I would update. After the last couple posts I got disgusted, but I poured alittle oil in the cylinders and leftit alone for a week or two. Any way I decided to put it completely back together yesterday so i could pull it out of the shop and take it to some one. I figured what the hay and tried to start it. It hit, so I messed withit alittle and it fired up and ran fine smoked but ran fine. Thanks for the help guys.