any size axles for 80 to 100 bucks with 30 day warranty


New Member
May 13, 2009
the new PULL-A-PART in Winston-salem on Paterson ave. they have any size axles, just got to be lucky and find them ,
i just got a dn44 and a hp dn60 for $89.00 a piece with a 30 day warranty , it dont matter what happens to it they will replace it,
im just so tired of people trying to sell axles for 300 a piece , so here is 2 all that care to save money .
i hope this saves somebody some money , sorry to all that have axles for sale on here,
there is a j20 there with both axles , dont know what year it is . i think its 79 or 80 ish
As of today there isn't a J20 there. Only a J10 and it's a 1965. No one ton fronts but lots of 1/2 ton D44 fronts. I snagged a Toy IFS box and a 22R carb while I was there today. It's alot nicer and better vehicles than the Charlotte location. Also hardly any people there.
yeah its nice , it will be putting local junk yards out of business for sure ,
a its worth a dollar to check it out ..!!!!

i live about 10 min from the place will check parts for any 1 and deliver for gas cost ,
na just want to help people out , we are in a recession ,
i actual just got the stamp tattooed on me , i run a tattoo shop ,

yeah 109 should of been out long time ago ,
What kinda toyotas did they have?
Really? in the for sale section? I thought this is what Gen chit chat was for.
go to their website.
you can pull a location and search for vehicles.
Thats what I do for the Charlotte one.

too bad sometimes even if a vehicle got there last week (there are dates on arrivals online) ... the newer ones are stripped more than the older ones. I guess less in the yards.
awhile ago, I helped a buddy of mine pull some 63 inch springs from a GM, he got lucky the bed was clean/front was hit. Think it was grandpa's DD truck so those springs were like mint on the flex-life.

Theres a yard down in rock hill to but it aint no pullapart and I dont think they are 7 days a week. But still cheaper to pull yourself.

na just want to help people out , we are in a recession ,
i actual just got the stamp tattooed on me , i run a tattoo shop ,.....,

dont know how you do that... cause here they stamp the day on your hand.
We have a couple around here and they are full of fwd junk,and what trucks do show up usually dont have much left.The pull a parts might get a few yards but they will never be any competition to places like J&T in Marion due to the fact they cant afford to pay what it takes to get good late model and sell it for what they do.
We have a couple around here and they are full of fwd junk,and what trucks do show up usually dont have much left.The pull a parts might get a few yards but they will never be any competition to places like J&T in Marion due to the fact they cant afford to pay what it takes to get good late model and sell it for what they do.

I dunno, it's all about the turnover.
While letting things go cheaper (lets say 2/3 the price) cuts the profit, if you sell them off at a higher rate (lets say 2x as fast) then it more than makes up for it, since bills are generally a fixed monthly rate - total amount bought in per unit time is equal if not more.

I think this is what places like 109 refuse to admit, they want to "hold out" for the guy that will pay 2x as much for that fender, yet what they overlook is the 4 guys that would have paid 1/2 that and the ywould have come out ahead.

One of the (few) good things about Maryland is that we have these U-pull-it places called Crazy Rays ( ).
They are huge and have tons of cars. You do everything - only thing they'll do for you is to lift a car up and drop onto some blocks/stack of wheels so you can get under it. You bring all your own tools.
The prices are crazy cheap. They charge $1 to get in the door. They have all kinds of models, early and late.
But the yare packed every weekend, and the vehicles do not last long, very high turnover rate. Clearly very profitable w/ minimal overhead costs.
I wonder what the insurance rates are at the places that let you pull your own parts. I image there is quite a bit of liability.

Been to a many. You have to sign before entering. Never took time to read but it was several pages worth. Pretty sure you're throwing away money if you decide to persue a lawsuit.
yeah its a dollar here too and you got sign a waiver.
funny how Ive never seen what Im signing - its prolly on the wall behind the guy but anyhow.

yeah bad thing about the Pullaparts is every time I see a yota, its axles are gone - either someone got there before me or they brought it to the yard like that.

I'm willing to bet that the same day it gets there, there are junk yard rats the wait until the fork puts it down and hawk the ever living crap out of it.
and I'm also willing to bet that they buy cars that have already been picked through before it got there. :mad:

Fuckin waste my time to go look at an isuzu that has nothing on it at all. Especially the acura's - why bother bringing a car out that literally has nothing left? I've gone there the very next day looking for a truck and when I found it, it had no axles shafts and the inside had nothing left except the back seats. You tell me some fuckers did that in a half a day?
Best part about Crazy Ray's is the people that are there (1/2 drunk, 1/4 hungover/strung out) and the cars in the parking lots.
And at the front desk where you sign the above stated wiver (yeah the details are actually in a seperate book next to it, lol), they have buckets full of tools they find in the yard and are selling, $2.50/socket (craftsmans $4), $2 for pliers etc. Amazing the amount of shit people will leave there.