any size axles for 80 to 100 bucks with 30 day warranty

I dunno, it's all about the turnover.

I was into parting Ford Trucks pretty heavy in the 90's on up to about 4 years ago and I figured out real fast that it was better to sell cheap and turn it cause the good stuff goes first and you're usually holding out for the less worthy parts anyways. Dime vs. dollar. And time was money when deals came around for fresh trucks and I had limited space for only a few trucks. Being cheap developed a pretty good customer base that came back very regular too. I enjoyed it alot but it wasn't enough to quit my day job. And it started taking up too much of my play time so I gave it up.
I learned ALOT about sales though. I still get calls every now and then from guys that had my number tucked away.
Over the years of yarding i've gotten better at not loosing or leaving behind tools. Take a 3gal bucket with tool sack inside, magnetic tray to set tools under the hood, or toss em to the bucket for quick reuse. Generally i try to plan ahead with the work I'm doing. I have a small tool caddy I take sometimes, but even that never fail i see something i didn't plan on buying and its got some funky bit/socket to remove it.. I used to take junky tools alot but I found I was hurting myself more due ot the poor quality tools breaking or slipping off. YMMV
Over the years of yarding i've gotten better at not loosing or leaving behind tools. Take a 3gal bucket with tool sack inside, magnetic tray to set tools under the hood, or toss em to the bucket for quick reuse. Generally i try to plan ahead with the work I'm doing. I have a small tool caddy I take sometimes, but even that never fail i see something i didn't plan on buying and its got some funky bit/socket to remove it.. I used to take junky tools alot but I found I was hurting myself more due ot the poor quality tools breaking or slipping off. YMMV

I've gotten to where I specifically take sockets that are in plastic cases or metal sleeves so each socket has a specific place, that way I can check and ensure I've got them all.

Nothing chaps my ass more than loking at my socket set and seeing one non-matching oddball b/c I had to replace that one..
Oh and having a full-covering set of zip-up cover-alls is a must for this! nothing like laying in the dirtiness to get that part... peeeeal those suckers off before getting back in the car!
lets hijack this thread a lil more....
You guys all got good points.
But if you are lucky enough to find a wheelbarrow at pullapart in charlotte - its like gold.
I dump my tool boxes in there and bring all the other tool-goodies next to it.... Breaker spray and a bag of my trail tools and the odd set of hex heads and I rarely bring a drill but should. I see guys with electric impacts whippin it up out there. It would be nice to have an electric sawzall too.

But with the wheelbarrow, the Hard thing is though when you start running out of space gotta take a trip outside, pay, dump the parts and come back in.
I always bring a towel or rip out some carpet from a vehicle next to me. The yard in charlotte is all that hard gravel shit. Damn it hurts to lay down out there without it. I bet you guys got mud or grass to work on. Bugs and all that mess...

I will tell you tho one time I left a really long strong as an ox flat head screwdriver on a truck one day and was cursing myself about where I left it. I'm cheap and hate losing tools. I suddenly remember where I put it and went back a few hours later and it was still there. lucky.

BTW - pullapart has jacks and coolant for sale there but not any tools. Maybe they could start doing that.
jus went to the Pull A Part in Patterson. Pretty good prices. Not much selection for the 4x4 crowd. not in ford or chevy anyway. Almost no 1 ton stuff and what was there, the good stuff was gone.
Yep, and my dual tire wheelbarrow kicks ass in the gravel lots. Esp with an engine, trans or axle in or on it. At the Charlotte PAP it is a must to bring your own. If you do find one of theirs to use, odds are the bearings/bushings are shot and you may as well be drunk trying to push the damn thing.
let alone trying to push it thru a foot of gravel.....the one in WS is WAYYYY better...they do have gravel but you can actually walk on it as its not so thick and its not the HUGE gravel
I usually get to the pull-apart in Charlotte about the time they open and still have to rush for a wheelbarow. I bought a 14 bolt axle out from under a Chevy Dually complete from drum to drum for around $90. Sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough there also. The last time I was there, I saw a Ford Falcon that was sitting on a complete cj5 drive train.
Sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough there also. The last time I was there, I saw a Ford Falcon that was sitting on a complete cj5 drive train.

Thats not a diamond in the rough, thats an abortion.
I'll be making a W-S PAP run again tomorrow. If anyone needs me to look for something while I'm there shoot me a PM and let me know.