Any Smokers here make your own cigarettes?


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Just started this a few weeks ago, still trying different things. Getting closer to making a cigarette.
Using pipe tobacco, twice as much for half the price.
Running it through a food processor to cut it smaller
drying it some since it has more moister than the Cigg tobacco

Looks like about $9 bucks a cartons worth.
I remember some of the guys in college making cigarrettes.... wait - that wasn't tobacco. Never mind.

not that i have a use for it...but these work well.
i go to school with a guy whos mom makes em and im pretty sure you can buy cig tobacco in a big bag too and the rollers apparently make it pretty easy
If I was going to do that much work for something unhealthy, I'd make some big ass cheeseburgers.

Because it's difficult to smoke a Cheeseburger, at least with the ciggerette tubes I use.

why not just smoke a pipe?
Because I don't smoke a pipe.
nor do I want to

i go to school with a guy whos mom makes em and im pretty sure you can buy cig tobacco in a big bag too and the rollers apparently make it pretty easy

Yes you are correct, as originally posted, for half as much(volume) and twice the price.(as the pipe tobacco)
I used to roll my own, then they started testing at work. Doh!!!
my dad rolled cigs for my gramma, been doing it last 3-4 years, he buys the empty shells (not sure what you call em) pretty cheep, and has a small plastic tool that you fill a small trough then pull a slide/lever to push the stuff into the shell...

She's down to maybe 1-2 per day now so he's been just buying them for her..
she smokes the little 100s.

not that i have a use for it...but these work well.

back when I smoked I used something that looked a lot like this. I used pipe tobacco too. once you got it down you could roll one out in a jiffy.
You have to be careful with the machine though. If you aren't careful you can roll them so tight they won't draw at all, trust me, I know. First time I ever used one I rolled a whole bag, er, uh, package and they were all so tight they wouldn't burn :lol:
When I was a kid my dad got some tobacco plants from a friend and planted them for fun. He grew them up and cured the tobacco. A guy he worked for asked for some and he ended up making his own tobacco and really liked it. He ended up after that growing his own and curing them. Dad said the guy would show up at work with a big bag of home grown tobacco and roll his own.
I'm no expert, but I think pipe tobacco is not supossed to be inhaled deeply or much at all, like milder cigg. baccy and will probably kill you alot faster than filtered ciggs.
i would roll my own but being a chain smoker makes it kind of hard.

I bet carrying the torches around all the time is a bitch too......
I'm no expert, but I think pipe tobacco is not supossed to be inhaled deeply or much at all, like milder cigg. baccy and will probably kill you alot faster than filtered ciggs.

Pardon? Tobacco is tobacco. Sure there are different varieties (burley, oriental, bright leaf, etc.), but the main issue is the filter. Cigars don't have filters where as most cigarettes and pipes do. In addition to that, the majority of the harm is the carcinogens are in the smoke from the burning materials versus the nicotine and in tobacco which is one of the bigger differences among varieties.

Has anyone come across the electronic RYO machines in NC? They're popular in Kentucky and Florida, but I hear stores in NC are jumping on the bandwagon before the government taxes the ish out them.
who is JT ?

the torches are on a cart and why would my smoking have anything to do with the torches?(except lighting a cigarette with them). besides the plasma cutter is easier to use.

while we are on the subject, when are they going to make a welding helmet with a dam spot cut out for my cigarette? i have burned the crap out of myself flipping the helmet down with a smoke hanging out of my mouth.

the rolling machine works, we also use to take a 1/2'' strip of card stock and roll it up as a 'filter placeholder' to help with the overall experience
who is JT ?
the torches are on a cart and why would my smoking have anything to do with the torches?(except lighting a cigarette with them). besides the plasma cutter is easier to use.
while we are on the subject, when are they going to make a welding helmet with a dam spot cut out for my cigarette? i have burned the crap out of myself flipping the helmet down with a smoke hanging out of my mouth.

Some place my dad worked years back required that he wear those white maskes for part of his job. He cut holes in them so he could smoke.
my wife does hers. not really rolling. it's more like a stuffer. gets a box of tubes with a filter on them. come in regs, kings or lights. the bags of tobacco are just cig tobacco. comes in diff flavors. they call it pipe tobacco to get around some regs. hell of a lot cheaper on me:beer: