anybody been to see deadpool?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Not your average superhero movie. What did yall think about it?
I thought it was awesome. I laughed almost non stop through it. Of course I have a twisted sense of humor anyway.

I absolutely HATE superhero movies. I think X-men and comic book crap is JUST that...crap. If I'm going to suspend my reality it has to be something completely out of the realm of Star Wars.
The ONLY reason I even like the Dark Knight Batman series was because it was so dang well written and produced. And...I was FORCED to watch the Dark Knight.

That said, I loved Deadpool with every fiber of my being. The humor was straight out of the back of my twisted brain....and hell, I'm the spitting image of Ryan Reynolds :D so it was like watching ME up there....but seriously, I loved it. I took the boy opening weekend, and then the wife was so tired of hearing how much I loved it she wanted me to take her last I got iMax tickets and sat thru it a second time :cool: Laughing my ass off all over again. Found even more Easter Eggs.
I thought It was pretty good, nice to see a movie that has somebody with some flaws, not just Mr perfect or square as a block a wood.