anybody here in HR?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
my work where Ive been for 15 years is going back and asking retroactively for college transcripts. they claim that its 'state and federal law' that if we put down some form of college on our resumes that we provide transcripts. I think theyre full of shit, but cant prove it. I think theyre looking to out someone and making tons of us go through the trouble of getting them. if theyd go track them down and pay for them thats fine, but we have to track them down and them ourselves= not cool. I was offered the job with ZERO question about this at the time.

what say ye?
my work where Ive been for 15 years is going back and asking retroactively for college transcripts. they claim that its 'state and federal law' that if we put down some form of college on our resumes that we provide transcripts. I think theyre full of shit, but cant prove it. I think theyre looking to out someone and making tons of us go through the trouble of getting them. if theyd go track them down and pay for them thats fine, but we have to track them down and them ourselves= not cool. I was offered the job with ZERO question about this at the time.

what say ye?
Ask them to send you a copy of the law/ statute.
I'm quite sure it's BS, though.
However - it doesn't matter if it's BS or not, as a private company they could ask for whatever they want. I doubt there's any legal recourse protecting you from complying.
Yeah, regardless NC employment at will, they can hire and fire for any reason (other than a couple reasons). May as well just comply, but sounds like BS.
Sounds completely unfair and unreasonable. BUUUT if they are on a warpath to hammer down someone else do you really want to stick your head up and cause a fuss. You may black list yourself by associating yourself with the situation.
Agreed with all above, unfortunately. I'm not in HR, but I am in middle management in a relatively decent-sized company with 80 employees of my own. Basically, I'd just do what they're asking and not rock the boat, especially for an at-will employer. I've seen some rather questionable moves be made simply for the fact that "they could" and to "prove a point," or perhaps make an example out of someone, or for someone else.
Yeah, regardless NC employment at will, they can hire and fire for any reason (other than a couple reasons). May as well just comply, but sounds like BS.
Unless NC law has changed, You can be terminated with No reason given! Went through That with NAPA, back in High School. They had Yearly lay-offs in December, Every year, but didn't want it to get out. It seemed to be a Seasonal & Tax thing. Lovely, Loosing your job, just before Christmas!
- As stated by others, in NC they can term you for no reason at all. So yes they could term you for failing to comply.
- I'm not certain but it may in fact be a violation of state employment law to intentionally falsely claim state federal law compliance. IOW if it isnt a law and they claim it is they may technically be guilty of undue duress or coercion.
- Finally if you arent the specific target and you feel someone way higher up the food chain is, and you are certain this is all about a manhunt - then I'd be inclined to just ignore a mass request. If it was a group email and "we need everyone's transcripts" Id just ignore it. If you arent in the cross hairs you may never be. If they ever circle back to you, you an just say "Crap I assumed you had mine. I know I had a copy when I applied y'all must have lost them. Sure I will go get another copy for your screw up"
- Only danger in #3 is if they are actually planning some salary adjustments and intend to give everyone with a degree a pay bump.
- If you lied on your resume and dont have the education you claimed, well we should probably hang out in the garage and discuss that sort of thing.
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Read this post to the wife (HR for IMB) last night. She said basically what Ron did, but wasn't 100% sure on the fed/state claim...she'd have to research it a little.

But to Ron's point. If there's ANY question about his last point.....she said "good luck"

ROW state, but any indiscretion on a resume, application is grounds for immediate termination, do not pass go, do not EVEN think of collecting unemployment.
Give them what they are asking for if you want to stay employed. As stated above NC is an at will employment and a right to work state and anyone can be terminated at any time for any or no reason.
My understanding of the "At Will" employment. If the company has any polices put in place to handle terminations and they venture outside of those they can open themselves to lawsuit. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
My understanding of the "At Will" employment. If the company has any polices put in place to handle terminations and they venture outside of those they can open themselves to lawsuit. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
I don't think that's the case, but again I'm not 100%.

In NC they can pretty much fire you for not liking your face. They just can't tell you that's why. :lol:
My understanding of the "At Will" employment. If the company has any polices put in place to handle terminations and they venture outside of those they can open themselves to lawsuit. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
At will employment can be terminated at any time for any reason. They do have to be careful to enforce policies equally.
I don't think that's the case, but again I'm not 100%.

In NC they can pretty much fire you for not liking your face. They just can't tell you that's why. :lol:

Exactly. If policies are not enforced uniformly, they could open themselves up for a lawsuit, but unless you're a protected class you're probably out of luck there too.

Example. You and Billy Bob both show up 30 minutes late every day. You're good at your job and Billy Bob isn't. They fire Billy Bob for "attendance" but give you a verbal warning. Billy Bob sues.

So, if in the OP's situation, they are truly trying to get rid of someone for lying about their education, you don't want to be the other guy that doesn't provide proof...
Corporate HR guy for 17 years until last year. Lost count how many terminations I’ve been a part of.

Last year I was terminated (fortunately with a great severance package) for basically sitting in Charlotte. It was decided that senior leadership needed to sit in two specific cities even though by doing so my direct reports and internal clients still wouldn’t see my face. Three of us didn’t sit in the chosen cities so we were termed. To this day nothing else has changed in my old department.

In a nut shell as long as a Company minds its Ps and Qs terminations are easy with very little if no room for recourse from the termed party. Part of my job was to ensure that was the case.

My situation was the Best thing that could have happened for me and my career.
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my work where Ive been for 15 years is going back and asking retroactively for college transcripts. they claim that its 'state and federal law' that if we put down some form of college on our resumes that we provide transcripts. I think theyre full of shit, but cant prove it. I think theyre looking to out someone and making tons of us go through the trouble of getting them. if theyd go track them down and pay for them thats fine, but we have to track them down and them ourselves= not cool. I was offered the job with ZERO question about this at the time.

Did your company just start doing something different, like government or military contracting? A lot of things change for employment records when that happens. The company I work for does some of both, and I've never been required to provide a transcript, even though I was required to resubmit all of my eligibility documents (after 5 years of working there) because some document was missing a date or signature or something on it. Federal requirements made us audit the employee records, and the audits flagged that. If state or federal law required transcripts, I would have had to provide a transcript. I know that's loose logic, and partial proof, but I'm sticking to that.

Here's my intuition (as not a lawyer and not an HR person): I think the federal and state law they're talking about is actually discrimination law, and not a law requiring transcripts to be provided because of your resume. It is against the law to require one person to provide transcripts instead of everyone providing transcripts, because that constitutes discrimination IIRC. They can require whatever they want for new hires, as part of the job requirements. But existing employees are a different ball of wax.

I think they're likely trying to out someone (like someone else said), and making sure they don't fall afoul of discrimination laws while doing it.
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Im degreed, and did not lie about anything on application. I will comply, I just like to know the facts. I have several direct reports. that feel that this email request is 'threatening' because of the way it was worded. It says in big bold letters ' you will be held as fraudulant' if you do not submit, and if you had listed on your resume. strong words methinx

Im a good boy and will comply, but Im the guy that does so; then asks why until I get an answer