I did used to tend Bee's yes, but not now. But, seriously thinking about getting back into it for the pollination factor.
Past few years, I have seen a decline in bee's in my garden. Had it not been for the bumble bee's, I wouldn't have had much in the way of fruit of my labor.
Maintenance free? Hardly! You have to tend to their needs. Robbing them, taking away their supers at the right time, to get desired honey. That's several times during the spring and summer, depending on where you are. Take a look around where you live. Bee's will travel in the neighborhood of three miles from their home, to gather pollen. Farms, gardens, and even wooded area's are what you will need around to keep them healthy. Take into consideration too, these farms, what pesticides do they use? Some will kill your bees.
The benefits of honey are many. From topical first aid, to digesting local honey to help build immunities to fight allergy's.
In my past experience, some hives are very docile nearly to the point you don't need any protection, to some of the smallest mean ass critters around. Also, in my past experience, the meaner the bees, the more productive they are. We had some that were more black than yellow, and those little black bastards would produce twice if not more of honey.
There is some up front costs, other than the bees, hives and supers. like head net, gloves, suit if you want to go that route. Starter, and so on.