Anyone keep Bees?

Been stupidly busy. Honey harvest hurt by delayed gathering of the nectar from the "GODS".

Should have pulled supers a month ago. Little girls ate good and reduced my poundage. Well less I have to feed due to all this dry hot weather.

Worked all day yesterday and started early. Uncapped an extracted our whole harvest after pulling supers before lunch.

2 am we have about 7 five galloon buckets of spring honey.

Now to get those wet supers cleaned up by the bees and reset for fall/ winter prep and treat for pest.

Put me down for a quart!
You ever tried shipping any?
Nope. Bubble wrap and a good box? What location?

Edit: we do put some in plastic containers for our pound size.
I need more bees. 2024 Honey crop is sold out for us. Been a good year.
Winter bees are looking decent. Few more months of hard weather and keeping my fingers crossed for next year. Late warmth and these cold snaps have been hard on food stores. This will be the first year I have to use emergency feed instead of it being just a preventative measure.
Getting ready to hit them again with some patties of fondant to prevent starvation. All that honey sales is gonna go back in the hives as food. 😂
wasn't planning on having bees again this year... and still might hold off. but cleaning out some storage at work i found 2 flow hives. No one knows who they belong to and the boxes have never been opened. Told me to trash them or take them home.... so in the truck they went