August 23rd from 9-12:00, We Need YOUR Input!!!


Mar 17, 2008
Uwharrie (Troy, NC)
As you all know, we are having our next mudd bog on August 23rd. We are going to put in a 4x4 race track on the backside of our property and need everyones input into developing how it should be. We have some equipment here onsite, but it will be leaving soon:(
Ricky is helping us and we had picked a date, but unfortunately, the equipment won't be around long enough for us to wait until September. I know it is a busy month for everyone with different events, so at this time, I would like to invite who ever is interested in seeing what we can do for your sport/hobby and have you come out early and meet with us the morning of the race and give us your suggestions on what you would like. We want to be able to put on our own 4x4 races and not have the ordeal of doing so in the National Forest.

Any of you unable to stay for the race, we would still like your input. We are located at Uwharrie Stables/ Uwharrie Adventures
4084 NC Hwy 109 N, Troy, NC 27371
As you all know, we are having our next mudd bog on August 23rd. We are going to put in a 4x4 race track on the backside of our property and need everyones input into developing how it should be. We have some equipment here onsite, but it will be leaving soon:(
Ricky is helping us and we had picked a date, but unfortunately, the equipment won't be around long enough for us to wait until September. I know it is a busy month for everyone with different events, so at this time, I would like to invite who ever is interested in seeing what we can do for your sport/hobby and have you come out early and meet with us the morning of the race and give us your suggestions on what you would like. We want to be able to put on our own 4x4 races and not have the ordeal of doing so in the National Forest.

just to get some ideas going - what kind of space/distance are we talking about available here? Like a drag strip, or an actual trail? Enough for like a mile loop or more?

I LOVE the idea of being able to do a 4x4Cross race, but IMO the trail needs to be as long as possible, multiple miles in an ideal world - so the competitors run isn't over in a minute or two - but I know this world is FAR from ideal.
Not sure of the acreage off the top of my head but I'm sure Jackie can chime in when she gets back n let us know, but the idea is similar to the 4x4cross, don't want it to be as short as a strait rock race but at the same time we don't want it to be ridiculous long, as I'm sure you know the more that is easily viewed by spectators the better because spectators are where the $$ is. So the key is going to be finding a happy medium distance wise that can do the best for all considerations involved, spectators and Racers alike.

We also want to build the track so that its accessible/raceable by all classes of rigs similar to the 4 classes we had for the 4x4cross, bypasses will most likely be key there because we want it to be challenging for the big boys as well.

If anyone has any ideas and can't make it up that Saturday feel free to post it up or pm myself or Jackie.

Thanks guys, lets build us a sick race track :driver::Rockon::burnout:
i vote for a bigger more endurance style track. the 4wheeler drag track is there and a bigger track like endurance would let the 4wheeler and moto people have a place to hold events also$$$$. You could put a small technical rockrace track inside the larger endurance style track.
I should be able to go out on sat. Lets take a good look and put our heads together.

Johnny/Jackie Do you still have the dozers? Will they be available to work with on Sat? Are we just mapping out, or do you wanna get moving on this, sat?
I should be able to go out on sat. Lets take a good look and put our heads together.
Johnny/Jackie Do you still have the dozers? Will they be available to work with on Sat? Are we just mapping out, or do you wanna get moving on this, sat?

The heavy equipment is still there but I don't know if they are gonna get started on it sat, i think sat is just more for layout
just to get some ideas going - what kind of space/distance are we talking about available here? Like a drag strip, or an actual trail? Enough for like a mile loop or more?
I LOVE the idea of being able to do a 4x4Cross race, but IMO the trail needs to be as long as possible, multiple miles in an ideal world - so the competitors run isn't over in a minute or two - but I know this world is FAR from ideal.
We are working on about 40 acres. Johnny has it in his mind which way the track should be set up. We are doing an actual trail that will have multiple obstacles and challenges. We want to make the trail visible for spectators to watch the race and enjoy the competitions.
I should be able to go out on sat. Lets take a good look and put our heads together.
Johnny/Jackie Do you still have the dozers? Will they be available to work with on Sat? Are we just mapping out, or do you wanna get moving on this, sat?
We do still have the dozer available, but will not be cutting the new track on the 23rd. The idea is to get as much input into what everyone wants to see it turn into and compile the opinions of everyone so when Johnny is ready to start building it, he will have a lot to work with on what everyone wants.
You could fit a lot of trail distance into 40 acres IF the path is done right; especially if it essentailly snales back and forth (like several "S"s linked together).
I understand the need for spectator viewing, but if you are careful you can still have a lot of length AND be able to leave the vegitation in place (Meaning, woods).
I have an idea about the layout that might work out well, sounds liek you have a plan, but if I get some time I might make a sketch.

Is the 40 acres roughly square, or long and rectangular, or what's the rough shape of it?
Ok w/o having any idea what the shape is or what yo uwant to do, if it's wooded or whatnot, here's a really rough sketch of what I'm thinking might work out...


Imagine the green areas are just woods, white is where it's been cleared out... brown is trial/track.
What i'm thinking is that if you kind of zig-xag the path (more or less, not just back and forth, that'd be boring) you can have easy access to it from thr outside. that way you can have a dirt road that folk can drive on, and get to an opened area, where they can hang out and watch. Plus, w/ it shaped liek that, a path to the "inside" between teh track straighaways you can wave a walking path, by which folks will have access to either side of the track.
When racers get to the end (top R), they can use the road to get back to start, and so on.
wouldnt it make more sence to connect it more like a track not a sprint

If you want recurring loops, yes.
BUT, NO, I wouldn't.
Know why?
You can't get spectators into the MIDDLE of a connected track. the key to this design is that, in theory, even while it's going, people can come and go and be ale to get to any point along the track.
i think it would be much easier to make it connected bc you would hav a start/finish. it would make scoring and org 10 times faster/easier. i dont think it would be hard to get people in and out of the middle. plus if its connected you could have a few heats and cool stuff like that...
WOW! I love everyones input.
The lay of the land is a bit down hill behind our rock crawl area and spectators should be able to stay in that area and pretty much see all of the track. I think Johnny is leaning more towards having it loop back together. The track area has a lot of natural challenges all ready with some pretty steep hills. The dozer may need to leave sooner than we wanted and we may have to cut the track before the 23rd. If so, we will still need input on what type of obstacles you guys want and where you think they would work out best. I will post any new developments or changes to things as they happen. Thank you all so much for your time and thought into what will be a super new 4x4 race track!
What are we really talking about?
One 4x4 against the clock, or two or more on the track at the same time?
I know which one sounds the best( at first glance) but running more than one, opens up a big ole' can of worms when accidents happen, or hot heads crash each other out, or ''the do anything to win'' attitude shows up. I am not actually against the multiple 4x4 race, I just sorta question alot of the potential entries. Meaning...and a good example, the black xj that took a nose dive off the top of the rock pile(not smart or safe, but very entertaining) Now this jeep is in a showdown with another higher dollar jeep that is actually loved by someone. What happens when the black jeep gives it all it's got just to win and bumps the other jeep and sends it flipping and rolling like a pepsi can. Now someone is hurt and angry. I know I know, if you are scared to damage your rig, dont enter..right? I love the idea of head to head competition, but thats just because I am the best driver I know:driver:
But what about the 17 year old that would rather crash out than come in 2nd or 3rd? Not picking on 17 yr olds, it could be a 40 something.
I just dont think that every possible competitor is ready for that kind of skilled driving. Especialy if high speeds are involved. And I question whether or not alot of possible entries would be lost due to lack of safety features that would NEED to be required if you ran em' fast and side by side. Meaning billy bobs stock tacoma cant race cause of no cage. But in a safer racing situation, there are 10 or 12 billy bobs, all paid entries, and they can run the hell out of their TRUCK THAT THEY ARE STILL MAKING PAYMENTS ON, and not have to worry about the black xj plowing into them, for a little prize money.

My opinion is a connected track with lots of variables that will test everyones ability to wheel their rig in a lot of different terrains.

Say you take off on the drag track(low end speed) headed towards 109. then at the other end of track turn left and come back through the mud track...then a series of rocks,or culverts...on to the down hill at the run off area from the mud track...swing around...tight corner....then another tight turn...then a ditch or a series of holes and ditches...on to a table top type jump(should be easier landing>safer) then maybe a few more turns and find a hill and make it more difficult by digging ruts and what not. Then at the end have a straight line to romp it to the finish( back up the drag track, or mud.

This is my opinion. I dont want to sound like yalls moma, but you gotta have safety on the brain first. I mean one or two crazy drivers on the track at once is plenty.

Just ask the 4x4cross racers...once the flag drops, the addrenalin kicks in, and if your not used to controlling that adrenalin, you will for sure overdrive and make mistakes. Sounds crazy but a decent wheeler somehow changes when the green flagg drops, on a speed event..its the adrenaline.
God I love the adrenaline, but it can get ya into trouble.

I know every wheeler thinks they are the best...maybe true on the trails, just wheeling, but this is a different ball game when you line up against someone else, in front of a crowd. I just think a lot of folks that would show up are gonna find themselves over their heads going that fast on that terrain in these type of rigs. Again, adrenaline really does make all the difference, makes your balls bigger and your brain smaller.
What are we really talking about?
One 4x4 against the clock, or two or more on the track at the same time?
I know which one sounds the best( at first glance) but running more than one, opens up a big ole' can of worms when accidents happen, or hot heads crash each other out, or ''the do anything to win'' attitude shows up. I am not actually against the multiple 4x4 race, I just sorta question alot of the potential entries. Meaning...and a good example, the black xj that took a nose dive off the top of the rock pile(not smart or safe, but very entertaining) Now this jeep is in a showdown with another higher dollar jeep that is actually loved by someone. What happens when the black jeep gives it all it's got just to win and bumps the other jeep and sends it flipping and rolling like a pepsi can. Now someone is hurt and angry. I know I know, if you are scared to damage your rig, dont enter..right? I love the idea of head to head competition, but thats just because I am the best driver I know:driver:
But what about the 17 year old that would rather crash out than come in 2nd or 3rd? Not picking on 17 yr olds, it could be a 40 something.
I just dont think that every possible competitor is ready for that kind of skilled driving. Especialy if high speeds are involved. And I question whether or not alot of possible entries would be lost due to lack of safety features that would NEED to be required if you ran em' fast and side by side. Meaning billy bobs stock tacoma cant race cause of no cage. But in a safer racing situation, there are 10 or 12 billy bobs, all paid entries, and they can run the hell out of their TRUCK THAT THEY ARE STILL MAKING PAYMENTS ON, and not have to worry about the black xj plowing into them, for a little prize money.
My opinion is a connected track with lots of variables that will test everyones ability to wheel their rig in a lot of different terrains.
Say you take off on the drag track(low end speed) headed towards 109. then at the other end of track turn left and come back through the mud track...then a series of rocks,or culverts...on to the down hill at the run off area from the mud track...swing around...tight corner....then another tight turn...then a ditch or a series of holes and ditches...on to a table top type jump(should be easier landing>safer) then maybe a few more turns and find a hill and make it more difficult by digging ruts and what not. Then at the end have a straight line to romp it to the finish( back up the drag track, or mud.
This is my opinion. I dont want to sound like yalls moma, but you gotta have safety on the brain first. I mean one or two crazy drivers on the track at once is plenty.
Just ask the 4x4cross racers...once the flag drops, the addrenalin kicks in, and if your not used to controlling that adrenalin, you will for sure overdrive and make mistakes. Sounds crazy but a decent wheeler somehow changes when the green flagg drops, on a speed event..its the adrenaline.
God I love the adrenaline, but it can get ya into trouble.
I know every wheeler thinks they are the best...maybe true on the trails, just wheeling, but this is a different ball game when you line up against someone else, in front of a crowd. I just think a lot of folks that would show up are gonna find themselves over their heads going that fast on that terrain in these type of rigs. Again, adrenaline really does make all the difference, makes your balls bigger and your brain smaller.

Hey Dylan.
Not sure what made you think we would be crazy enough to do a side by side race, but that is definitly not what we are going to do. The race will be against a clock, set up like the forest race was. Are you going to be here on the 23rd? If not, give us a call so we can talk.
Thanks for the input.
Hey Dylan.
Not sure what made you think we would be crazy enough to do a side by side race, but that is definitly not what we are going to do. The race will be against a clock, set up like the forest race was. Are you going to be here on the 23rd? If not, give us a call so we can talk.
Thanks for the input.
Just talking with others folks that wanted a race like that.
Thought I would voice my opinion on why we should'nt. But again..its just my opinion.:beer:
I will be there on the 23, maybe a little sooner. I have tons of ideas, and have been thinking about this since johnny mentioned it a while back.I know others have a lot of good ideas too.
Without seeing the land, its hard to visualize it. But I think a closed loop would be better, for a longer type race.
Thinking 12 (or 24) Hours of URE.. endurance race...
Anyway... A closed loop could put the start/stop lines at the same point, easily allow for a high(er) speed finish line crossing.

Or do the slotted start point, with a finish point on the main track, this will help a ton with pre-staging for the next vehicle, and also get the last rig off the track quicker. AND puts all that action in one general area...

Also with the various loop sections, it would be easy to add/drop them for various races or events, or skill levels, or even drop out part way (blue parts)

As for center access... I think a large vehicle sized culvert would be perfect... I think it would be safer to have the vehicle go down/under through the tunnel vs people. But something like that or even a raised/elevated bridge way up over... Be a good spot for the start/finish line...


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If you make a track that rallycross cars can run on (would need to be much smoother than the 4x4 track), that might be interesting too. See the pics at for a local club that holds 6 rallycross events a year:

I've been racing an old Subaru in it, and it's a blast. But the car has got to last, so no jumps, rocks, holes, etc. Wouldn't need to be a huge track - course times are usually around 1 minute. Anything longer would just be more fun. :)

People race everything from AWD beaters (like my car) to daily driver front-wheel-drives to WRXs that are only a few years old.

I can put you in touch with the club's rallycross coordinators if you're interested.
To know what we want to see, simply visualize the areas with the biggest crowds at the URE race.

The first erosion berm / ramp was a crowd pleaser, I would put in a short straightaway leading to the jump, kicks off the race with a "bang!"

In fact, the berms were the coolest part of the higher speed areas.

You will have some big turns, just make sure the area the vehicle would slide into is pretty clear too (or built up like an end ramp/turn at a reg race track)

Technical obstacles, basically a stairstep design (think the ledges before Kodak)

A Rock garden (with bigger rocks/path for the bigger rigs)

The FINISH line... another cool jump for those final "big air" photographs!! (and a place for the rig to come down safely)

Another really cool obstacle is a HUGE concrete pipe that they have to turn around in!

SLICKROCK is also very cool, take a portion of your dam/hill and pour concrete down the side over a large area. On race day, have water streaming down it!! (Or just a puddle at the bottom to get their tires wet before trying to climb/turn on it)

Oh, and for stands.. charge an admission price but LET the folks drive their rigs down and park around the course. Having to leave my 4x4 and carry mine and my wife's chairs from the front of your property/parking to the rock garden area was a ROYAL pain in the arse.
Lots if good ideas right there!!

I especially like the parking deal. It sucks when we have 5 trucks come with us and they all have to stay out side. I do understand the parking out back issue though. Plus the more vehicles that can be seen from 109 will only attract more spectators.

Bottom line though--You guys host it, we will race it!!

To know what we want to see, simply visualize the areas with the biggest crowds at the URE race.
The first erosion berm / ramp was a crowd pleaser, I would put in a short straightaway leading to the jump, kicks off the race with a "bang!"
In fact, the berms were the coolest part of the higher speed areas.
You will have some big turns, just make sure the area the vehicle would slide into is pretty clear too (or built up like an end ramp/turn at a reg race track)
Technical obstacles, basically a stairstep design (think the ledges before Kodak)
A Rock garden (with bigger rocks/path for the bigger rigs)
The FINISH line... another cool jump for those final "big air" photographs!! (and a place for the rig to come down safely)
Another really cool obstacle is a HUGE concrete pipe that they have to turn around in!
SLICKROCK is also very cool, take a portion of your dam/hill and pour concrete down the side over a large area. On race day, have water streaming down it!! (Or just a puddle at the bottom to get their tires wet before trying to climb/turn on it)
Oh, and for stands.. charge an admission price but LET the folks drive their rigs down and park around the course. Having to leave my 4x4 and carry mine and my wife's chairs from the front of your property/parking to the rock garden area was a ROYAL pain in the arse.

Love the input and all the ideas. Sorry about the parking issue and having to carry your chairs, unfortunately, it is something we can not work around at this time. We are planning on putting in some bleachers that will sit several hundred people, but it is all a matter of time and money. We are going to start racing on our Drag strip next year and should have everything in place by then. We do appreciate all the support and understanding from everyone out there.
Just talking with others folks that wanted a race like that.
Thought I would voice my opinion on why we should'nt. But again..its just my opinion.:beer:
I will be there on the 23, maybe a little sooner. I have tons of ideas, and have been thinking about this since johnny mentioned it a while back.I know others have a lot of good ideas too.

We would love to see a bunch of support in developing a track for you guys. The more that can attend prior to the race, the more ideas we will have to work with.
Thanks again to everyone who has put so much time and thought into the track.