Axle Swap

I have run several rear ends:
Stock 20 broke several axles, bent tube
Swapped in a 9" from an early Bronco 28 spline on 35's only replced a bearing or two. Was a little wider than the 30 front. Wanted full width swapped in a 12 bolt, and 10 bolt. 4:10 gears and ARB's running 35 boggers Only thing I ever broke was a rear yoke on the 12bolt. Wanted to run bigger, swapped in 60/14 bolt.
Low pinion on 9" never was a problem for me. on a stock length CJ-7 I actually added a peice on the bottom to guard the drain plug I installed.
I am one of the few that are not totally against a 10/12bolt combo. As I said, I run it 6 years, no axle breaks, on 35's, ARBs and it was a DD too.

All I have to say is plan for the future, if it is ever in your mind to go bigger and badder, then go heavier duty now, so as to not have to do it again.