Best 2500 watt "value" generator?


DEI Hire
Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
I know a Honda or Yamaha is top dog, but they are $1200. There are a lot of options in the $500-800 range, and all I need is something light and quiet to charge the batteries and run the lights and water pump on my parents camper when we go to ride dirtbikes. Maybe eventually buy a second one to set up parallel and run the AC on the camper in the summers. I have my eye on a couple: Champion 2500 $550 from Rural King, Champion 2500 Dual Fuel $680 from Tractor Supply, and the Generac 2500 $650 from several places. Dual fuel would be a major plus, as the Champion runs 11.5hrs on gas, but 34hrs on propane. Anybody got any particular experience, recommendations, or things to avoid?
I’ve got a 2200w inverter suitcase from Northern, same as the red Preditor at Harbor Freight, has been riding in my work van the last 3 years, does well and very quiet. Was $400 when I bought it, probably more now. I use it for charging batteries and running a fan mostly, have used it during power outages running coffee pot, that made it growl a bit. Also have a 3500w inverter, it’s allegedly a clone of Honda, HF and And Northern sell same in different colors.
Buy the predator
It's 2000/1600 watts, and I really need to be closer to 4000 running watts with them in parallel to handle the AC. They used to have a 3500/2800 watt unit up there, and it couldn't handle the AC (or maybe it could just barely if absolutely NOTHING else was on), but I'd rather have more margin, so that's why I'm only considering the 2500 watt units.
Then ignore the numbers on the label. You will end up sad.
I’ll write a book some other time or call me you know where to find me
Then ignore the numbers on the label. You will end up sad.
I’ll write a book some other time or call me you know where to find me
Yeah I'm sure they are all overrated. Champion says 2500/1850, Generac says 2500/2200. I think an actual 3500 running in parallel would be good, but I ain't no lectercal injuneer so not sure how valid it is to just assume it would double.
I'm happy with out old champion 3500. Seems solid and runs great. I have a 2500 Onan for sale for cheap. It'd get you started.
It's 2000/1600 watts, and I really need to be closer to 4000 running watts with them in parallel to handle the AC. They used to have a 3500/2800 watt unit up there, and it couldn't handle the AC (or maybe it could just barely if absolutely NOTHING else was on), but I'd rather have more margin, so that's why I'm only considering the 2500 watt units.

The HF 3500w unit can be paralleled together.
Bought a Westinghouse igen 2200 and works great and on sale I think it was $329. Now it’s 450ish.
My harbor freight ines have been great. Their warranty is like no other. Granted you probably pay cost for the generator when buying the warranty. Mine got ran over and I took I back at the end of the warranty. Swapped it and paid for another warranty. Good to go a few more years now
I've got a Predator 3500 Watt Inverter and I love it, I'm going to try and buy a parallel kit and another generator around tax time; one gen runs my travel trailer just fine but there's no kill like overkill.

It has amazing fuel consumption, even better than what they advertise because last time camping at the speedway in Concord I managed 12 hours with it running wide-ass open with the AC full blast.
It's 2000/1600 watts, and I really need to be closer to 4000 running watts with them in parallel to handle the AC. They used to have a 3500/2800 watt unit up there, and it couldn't handle the AC (or maybe it could just barely if absolutely NOTHING else was on), but I'd rather have more margin, so that's why I'm only considering the 2500 watt units.
I wouldn't worry about paralleling them. One 2k should run an AC unit. If it doesn't, swap out the starting cap for a bigger one.
Harbor freight has my vote, even the shifter kart guys are switching to predator engines due to cost availability and reliability
I'm a fan. The ones I've had start on the second pull, run like Hondas.
Thread 'Generac IQ2000 Inverter Generator' Generac IQ2000 Inverter Generator

I've successfully resisted buying this one for a while. Seems really solid

Also, @jeepinmatt

I can pick it up and drop it off at your place when i pick up my other goodies. Can make that run in the next couple weeks.

both of mine running same time, no load
Thread 'Generac IQ2000 Inverter Generator' Generac IQ2000 Inverter Generator
Yeah, that thread is what actually got this train of thought started. But I'm not sure it would be enough to run the AC.

I wouldn't worry about paralleling them. One 2k should run an AC unit. If it doesn't, swap out the starting cap for a bigger one.
Its been 10 years or more, but if my mammory serves me correctly, the 3500 watt Inverter they used to have didn't really cut it, so im not sure how a smaller one will. I really need to get the specs on the AC.
I’ve been happy with our HF 3500 for the past 5 yrs. Of course I traded in our first model for a new one before the warrant ran out with no questions asked. It’s ran the ac in our camper many times.
Yeah, that thread is what actually got this train of thought started. But I'm not sure it would be enough to run the AC.

Its been 10 years or more, but if my mammory serves me correctly, the 3500 watt Inverter they used to have didn't really cut it, so im not sure how a smaller one will. I really need to get the specs on the AC.
Does the camper have a 240V plug or a 120V? Standard camper 120V plug is only 30A, which has to power the entire camper. If it's a bigger camper with two (or more) AC units, it'll have a 240V/50A plug. One rooftop AC pulls about 2000W at startup, less once running. A bigger starting cap will lessen the load. People used to do this all the time at the races. In fact, I ran our AC off about 100ft of extension cord into a regular receptacle numerous times.
matt, feel free to try out my westinghouse and see if it works for you. I purchased it because it had more watts and was better priced then the HF.
Likewise I got a couple of the iq 2000 in the ad if you wanna see do they’ll work
Does the camper have a 240V plug or a 120V? Standard camper 120V plug is only 30A, which has to power the entire camper. If it's a bigger camper with two (or more) AC units, it'll have a 240V/50A plug. One rooftop AC pulls about 2000W at startup, less once running. A bigger starting cap will lessen the load. People used to do this all the time at the races. In fact, I ran our AC off about 100ft of extension cord into a regular receptacle numerous times.
120v. I'm thinking there is something else going on, or my memory is incorrect. Sounds like a 2000ish unit should be enough. That opens up the options a lot. I'll still probably go for a 2500w unit for extra capacity since.
120v. I'm thinking there is something else going on, or my memory is incorrect. Sounds like a 2000ish unit should be enough. That opens up the options a lot. I'll still probably go for a 2500w unit for extra capacity since.
You won’t listen to me.
Your injuneer brain is messing you up.

There is no standard for generator ratings.

The exact same components are sold as 1800, 2000, 2600 watt machines.
No change . The numbers mean nothing.

Hell I know one manufacturer that makes a 2000 and a 2400 and the 2000 will out start the 2400….you are focusing on number that only mean warranty