Best 2500 watt "value" generator?

You won’t listen to me.
Your injuneer brain is messing you up.

There is no standard for generator ratings.

The exact same components are sold as 1800, 2000, 2600 watt machines.
No change . The numbers mean nothing.

Hell I know one manufacturer that makes a 2000 and a 2400 and the 2000 will out start the 2400….you are focusing on number that only mean warranty
I'm happy to listen. That's why I posted this thread. Learned more today on here than I would have in a week of internet forum perusing.
We just picked up a Predator 3500 for the shitbox from FB Marketplace. $420.00 with 0 hrs :rockon:

This is what I came to say. Pick up one of the "turn in" 3500 predators off Facebook for less than 500 bucks.

I have a 2300 watt inverter generator and I am here to say, absolutely DO NOT buy one of the 2k gennys. Go straight to the 3.5k. The 2k will run what you need, but will be wide open. I often camp with a 1500 watt heater in my camper and every time the heater comes on it my generator wakes me up throttling up (even with a 50ft cord). Swapped up to the 3.5k and it was actually quieter when loaded.

BTW, I always convert my gennys to propane. I prefer to carry a 20 pound tank to a 5 gallon gas jug. Plus I never have to worry about how long it sits. There are cheaper ways to do it but I like the motor snorkel kit from US Carburetion.

Thanks, but I want something portable that my sub-100lb mom can take in and out of the truck if needed.
I missed this part earlier. I just carried the empty 3500 to the shop & would guess it's somewhere in the 100# range. I don't want to underestimate her, but it may be a little on the heavy side unless she has help.

I have this one, I like that you can shut the fuel off from the front panel and drain the carb.

I keep debating whether I buy a second one and parallel them for a whole house backup or buy the next size unit up with 240v capabilities.

I take this to the property in VA and run battery chargers, air compressors, and saws off of this without issue.
I missed this part earlier. I just carried the empty 3500 to the shop & would guess it's somewhere in the 100# range. I don't want to underestimate her, but it may be a little on the heavy side unless she has help.
Yeah, a 3500 is way too much. And the worst part is she is stubborn enough to do it anyway and would probably mess her back up. The 2000-2500w units are mostly 40-50lbs.
The 2.3kw genny I have rolls around like a suite case. Pretty convenient for the Mrs.

No complaints about my HF genny. It sits for long periods of time and still fires right up.
My impulsiveness and impatience got the best of me so I picked up this one from Cabelas today.
Lady at work asked me last week if I needed anything from Cabelas because she had a $150 gift card that she would take $125 for. Got that today and went to Cabelas at lunch. Put the purchase price at $550+tax. Cheaper than any of the other "2500" watt dual fuel options. It has the same Rato R80i engine as the HF and Wen 2000watt. Champion has a newer version that is 40lbs instead of 50lbs, but $130 more. Meh. We will see how this one works.
I haven’t been on the forum as much recently and I am just catching this thread.

I would have made you a killer deal on the brand new genny in the link, plus my other one that is identical but 2 years old and the parallel kit.

For searching in the future here is my useless opinion. I liked the iq2000s because anyone can carry them around one at a time. If I didn’t need the AC, only needed one and it never woke me up. If it was hot, threw the other one in the camper and paralleled them.
I haven’t been on the forum as much recently and I am just catching this thread.

I would have made you a killer deal on the brand new genny in the link, plus my other one that is identical but 2 years old and the parallel kit.

For searching in the future here is my useless opinion. I liked the iq2000s because anyone can carry them around one at a time. If I didn’t need the AC, only needed one and it never woke me up. If it was hot, threw the other one in the camper and paralleled them.
I can still return the Champion. Im a sucker for a deal, and would really like to have two in parallel. PM me the deal :D