Big Day Tomorrow... Prayers Requested


One day at a time...
Jun 12, 2007
Cabarrus County (Rimertown)
I thought I was out of the woods, but recently found out not quite yet. Tomorrow morning (10/7) I go on the operating table for triple bypass surgery. A recent visit to the Kernersville VA for a routine heart catherization ended up with me getting an ambulance ride directly to Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem. I am comfortable with it, and I have confidence in the Docs. Nevertheless, prayers are requested. Thanks!
Prayers Up.
Prayers up, sir.
My wife just informed me of my upcoming surgery being posted on Facebook, and of the many well-wishes. Since I now assume most of you already knew of this I feel kind of silly for posting it. Oh well, senior citizens are allowed to do things like that.
Prayers for a clean op and speedy recovery.