I tried to get a pic of that guy this morning. Lifted Dodge diesel with all of the above, and a large "shocker" sticker on the back glass. You know what I'm talking about. I passed him on 77 with my cruise set on 74 (I dd a stock civic), he then tailgates me until I move over. He revs as he passes me and then speeds up to the next civic (a bit riced out), tailgates them until they move over, then they proceed to drag race until the civic catches slower traffic in the right lane. About 2 miles down the road, I pass him again with my cruise set on 74. Dickheads like that make me hate people.
Someone correct me if i'm wrong but that's a 1500. Look at the 10 bolt.
[/THREAD]I think I found the winner
..... In all honesty though.... Im a lil jealous of that rig... that looks like a helluva good time. Camping, kayaking, and biking. I could disappear for a while with that.
You sir win today's interwebs!
Who puts stacks on a gas burner?!?!
Who puts stacks on a gas burner?!?!
flat-bill wearing, mom and dads money-spending, douchebags do.
guess that's why I can't afford to put my wheeler back together......
Best one yet!
Holy shat look how thick that door is.
There have been a few articles about that thing - something like 4" thick glass, super-duper tires, etc.
Thickness of dip shit inside can't be measured