Biggest douche-mobile

Dear lord baby Jesus. Saw this debacle leaving work tonight. Google search confirmed it's a stupid as I suspected.


Watch out folks. It's dangerous out in the birkdale wasteland.
Good ball players, or only fans (different kinda ball players)
Yeah, but you and I both know there are too many dumb, rich people running around for them all to be ball players and strippers. My theory is they are too dumb to understand the risk, so they try things reasonably intelligent people wouldn’t do, and 10% of the time they are successful. The other 90% just end up a bunch of brokeass retards, like they already were.
Yeah, but you and I both know there are too many dumb, rich people running around for them all to be ball players and strippers. My theory is they are too dumb to understand the risk, so they try things reasonably intelligent people wouldn’t do, and 10% of the time they are successful. The other 90% just end up a bunch of brokeass retards, like they already were.
Remember there's a sampling bias here too.
You don't notice the dumbasses that are poor and can't buy dumb things
Can you tell if it’s an armored version?
If it is, I’ll bet a sun-drop some executive got his company to pay for it for his protection. It’s amazing how far companies will go for the security of their execs.
Can you tell if it’s an armored version?
If it is, I’ll bet a sun-drop some executive got his company to pay for it for his protection. It’s amazing how far companies will go for the security of their execs.
I didn't get that close but do you suppose he had security protecting him while he bowled? This was at a bowling alley.
Remember there's a sampling bias here too.
You don't notice the dumbasses that are poor and can't buy dumb things just don't see the millions of dumb broke people
But many poor/ignorant people take business risks cause they don't know any better and/or came from nothing so they have nothing to lose....and sometimes it pays off.

And millions more are leveraged to death to drive that new F250
Ah. all the models all look so similar

That one is the Escalade based on the dash I think
I will say, their trucks/SUVs suck, but their cars look pretty badass. That C8 rebody looks so much better than a stock C8 to me.