Biggest douche-mobile

Is there going to be a "non douche mobile thread" on here? Lol as boring as it sounds, and excluding what's been posted in here, I'm curious to see what's left! :lol:
one of my favorites from years ago was the "scary steering". I believe it even had its own website (I cant find it now, but work firewalls may be preventing that).

Yup, it's a 4x4..
This moped guy goes down Wade Avenue in Raleigh everyday. When the traffic starts up he cuts across 2 lanes of busy traffic and hits up the side walk. Then takes the sidewalk down to the next light and hits the crosswalk button. Waits for the crosswalk, crosses the 1st lane of traffic, and then turns left back onto the street.
I really thought wow what an interesting car, then I saw it! Geezzzzzz, that could suck......:(;)

Far from the worst infraction on the thread, but its still annoying. They were not there when I parked, but they still managed to do a terrible job with such a small car, in a corner spot nonetheless
The sad part is they had to get out in that tiny space too. It takes about 8 seconds to back up and reset.

Yep, and they were probably complaining the whole time about that damn jeep being in their way.