Biggest douche-mobile

You know, he could have just backed in, and not all te hway, that would havve put his door on the other side to where he could have opened it.
They say everything is bigger in Texas...Even douchemobiles
They say everything is bigger in Texas...Even douchemobiles
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Stormtrooper style. I kinda like it all but them Damn stars on the wheels. Although I would break it up with black flares. At least it doesn't squat or have stacked lt bars and extremely low profile tires.
Fine specimen @ town ridge in Raleigh.

Yes that'd aluminum square tubing aka. Roll bar material.
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more douche goodness from Mint Hill...
I totally understand it’s a mexican ride but at least this guy uses his truck.

I’ve never understood why all these people drive around in lifted diesels or trucks when they have no reason to have a truck. Whatever happened to using a truck for working?

Some people may laugh at that guy but two things that are proven about this guy.

  1. He has a job/works

  2. He uses his truck.
I’m there are a lot of people out there that have a large more capable truck and have never even done any type of work to use it.
I totally understand it’s a mexican ride but at least this guy uses his truck.

I’ve never understood why all these people drive around in lifted diesels or trucks when they have no reason to have a truck. Whatever happened to using a truck for working?

Some people may laugh at that guy but two things that are proven about this guy.

  1. He has a job/works

  2. He uses his truck.
I’m there are a lot of people out there that have a large more capable truck and have never even done any type of work to use it.
Oh, my bad. I thought this was a thread about stupid shit people did with their vehicles[emoji33]
This guy hit the trifecta.
Was at the DMV where this douchenozzle was talking into his cell phone loudly and profanely about something no one cares about. About how his boss was a "fucking faggity cock sucker" because he was being made to work Friday instead of going out of town.

Then I leave and see his WORK van double parked and in the handicap space.

He completed he trifecta by walking outside while I was taking the photo and asking me what my problem was.
"Just photographing your expert parking skills."

He tells me it is illegal to photograph his van without his permission. he then pulls out his cell phone and starts to call the police. I laugh as I get in the truck and drive away.

At the gym this am and this ass hat takes up 2 spots. Mind you these spots are some of the biggest I've ever seen. Cap it off, Avon magnet on the side and black chrome hubcaps.


No pics, but... I went to Myrtle beach this weekend for a bachelor party... I didn't realize that place is the mecca for all flat biller carolina squat trucks. I did almost get into a fight when I saw a guy in a gas station parking lot armor alling his nittos, I asked him if he knew his rear springs were broken. He didn't understand at first and then got pissy once he did :D