Shoulda bought a white truckI have bird/birds that apparently like shitting on my cars parked in my driveway. Anyone got any tricks to stop this? Besides shooting it.
Will a fake owl keep them away?
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It ain't just the black truck getting poohed on. But it does seem like they prefer the clean vehicles.Shoulda bought a white truck
Seems like they are sitting on the cars or doing a fly by. No trees close enough.Is there a tree or anything g they are sitting on or are they sitting on your cars?
I once had a bird that would see its reflection in my side view mirror and then proceed to try and attack the mirror and in the process shitting all over my car. I used a piece of cardboard with nails through it to deter it from coming close to my mirror again
We have a cardinal that has been attacking his reflection in our kitchen window for 5+ years. A fake owl, and a wind sock didn't do shit. It is surprisingly loud, and annoying. I've given up.
My wife is terrified of snakes. Real, plastic doesn't matter. She will have nightmares about them.Fake rubber snakes work the best , you can get a box on eBay for cheap in many colors .i have them all around my house and yes they have scared the sh*t out of fed ex plenty times !
Get a bunch of cats to climb all over your vehicles and have scratches and foot prints along with the bird shit.This shit is for the birds!
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You can’t tell me birds don’t aim that shit. I was an ocean lifeguard for a few years during and after high school. I had a big orange umbrella I’d put over my stand every day. The seagulls and pelicans would bomb that thing all day. It would be covered at the end of the day. I’m talking probably 20 shits and this was daily. I’d take it down sometimes and then one shit square in my lap. Another day one got me in the top of the head when I was trying to be cool and talk to some honeys. The pelicans were the worst. They dropped big ones.
This shit is for the birds!
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