Bird Sh!tting On Cars


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
I have bird/birds that apparently like shitting on my cars parked in my driveway. Anyone got any tricks to stop this? Besides shooting it.

Will a fake owl keep them away?

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Is there a tree or anything g they are sitting on or are they sitting on your cars?
Is there a tree or anything g they are sitting on or are they sitting on your cars?
Seems like they are sitting on the cars or doing a fly by. No trees close enough.

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I once had a bird that would see its reflection in my side view mirror and then proceed to try and attack the mirror and in the process shitting all over my car. I used a piece of cardboard with nails through it to deter it from coming close to my mirror again
I once had a bird that would see its reflection in my side view mirror and then proceed to try and attack the mirror and in the process shitting all over my car. I used a piece of cardboard with nails through it to deter it from coming close to my mirror again

I had the same problem. The bird would literally try to fight itself in its reflection and apparently one bird taking a poo on another is a show of dominance. Lol
You can’t tell me birds don’t aim that shit. I was an ocean lifeguard for a few years during and after high school. I had a big orange umbrella I’d put over my stand every day. The seagulls and pelicans would bomb that thing all day. It would be covered at the end of the day. I’m talking probably 20 shits and this was daily. I’d take it down sometimes and then one shit square in my lap. Another day one got me in the top of the head when I was trying to be cool and talk to some honeys. The pelicans were the worst. They dropped big ones.
We have a cardinal that has been attacking his reflection in our kitchen window for 5+ years. A fake owl, and a wind sock didn't do shit. It is surprisingly loud, and annoying. I've given up.
Here we have very aggressive Cardinals that fight the reflections in the mirror and side window. They actually s#!t on the mirror and rub it in with their beak. Best trick I've found is a peice of green garden hose cut to about 2ft long, hang it over the mirror. They think it's a snake and won't land. Been working for years, every vehicle has a peice of hose in the door pocket.
Fake rubber snakes work the best , you can get a box on eBay for cheap in many colors .i have them all around my house and yes they have scared the sh*t out of fed ex plenty times !
We have a cardinal that has been attacking his reflection in our kitchen window for 5+ years. A fake owl, and a wind sock didn't do shit. It is surprisingly loud, and annoying. I've given up.

BB gun :sniper:
Fake rubber snakes work the best , you can get a box on eBay for cheap in many colors .i have them all around my house and yes they have scared the sh*t out of fed ex plenty times !
My wife is terrified of snakes. Real, plastic doesn't matter. She will have nightmares about them.

On Amazon ordering some now [emoji3]

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This shit is for the birds!

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Get an owl or hawk. Any BOP will run off the undesirables.
They are landing on your handles and fighting their reflection. Just paint it flat black=problem solved.

I happen to have just became a paint pro if you wanna bring it over. I have a quart of paint left....
You can’t tell me birds don’t aim that shit. I was an ocean lifeguard for a few years during and after high school. I had a big orange umbrella I’d put over my stand every day. The seagulls and pelicans would bomb that thing all day. It would be covered at the end of the day. I’m talking probably 20 shits and this was daily. I’d take it down sometimes and then one shit square in my lap. Another day one got me in the top of the head when I was trying to be cool and talk to some honeys. The pelicans were the worst. They dropped big ones.

We stopped on one of the Islands between Harkers Island and Cape Lookout when I was a kid. I and 6 other kids roamed explored/looked for shells. There was a huge group of seagull chicks running around and we tried to catch them. That was a bad idea, the adults soon started rapidly dive bombing us w great precision, it was like a scene from "The Birds" w a swarm seagulls shitting 2/3' long streams of hot green stink on us as we all ran away screaming. Seagull shit feels like it's burning your skin when you're sunburned and it's 90 sumthin degrees. The attack continued until we got away from the sea of chicks and back to the shore to wash off.........good times

I've seen all kinds of birds attack glass and mirrors on cars and trucks many times. I watched a male Cardinal about break it's neck and beak on the mirror of a parked car. It was so crazy I could walk up and bat it w my hand and it came right back. It took 2 or 3 times to scare it away. The mirror was all jacked up afterwards.
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This shit is for the birds!

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Definitely landing on your door handles and widow seals, maybe lean a piece of large card board up against the sides when you park so they can't see their reflection and also can't land?

Or just put up a sign to let them know this is not allowed, the snowflakes seem to think this will keep everything safe when it comes to other problems :D