BK (Baby Krawler) - 88 XJ

The XJ is coming right along. I wish you would have had this when we were at Harlan last Oct. getting drowned.
Looks good John! When did you get a building??!!
BK Is Ready To Test!

Today I finished up the intitial BK build and it's ready for a test run. I finished up the krawl box shifter and the rocker guards. Since I had taken BK out to URE in December without any mods and had damaged the rocker panels on Kodak, I went ahead and cut them out and mounted the guards in place of the damaged panels. I also cut an extra 1.5" off the front fenders and installed door moulding around the edges for looks and protection, FWIW, one large roll of door moulding from Advance Auto is enough to do both front sides!

I've got a job next weekend :( Going to the beach the next weekend :) Probably take it to the SFWDA 1st Quarter Ride & Meeting March 12th in Sparta, TN.
No beef. This is a MILD wheeler. It's built for trail riding and watching others do the really hard stuff. However, it is built to go, with the krawl box and lockers. After some "testing" I MAY do a few other mods such as the transmission 1/2 switch, steering box brace but if I want to really wheel I'll take The Krawler, not the Baby Krawler :)
your baby krawler has more sweet mods than my only crawler...I want to do the crawl box sooooo bad on mine.
transmission 1/2 switch

Great looking build. Can't wait to see it in person. What is a transmission 1/2 switch? What are the benifits?
keep it running/wheeling until the CJ-5 is done, so a few good years. Might throw a tad more lift and some larger axles under it, but that would only be if I needed to.

But my plans change day to day, it's staying as is until after race day at least.