Blackberry Questions...Tour...Storm2

the storm is a broken platform and BB admitted it, they paid a huge settlement to vzw..vzw chose not to upgrade all their customers with storms and now they pay for storm warranty out of pocket (and kept the BB 1.2BB settlement...all too often however they are charging storm owners something the settlement strictly forbids)

The storm 2 is a total new platform (from an circuit architecture standpoint)

All that said, the Droid is a much nicer phone as long as you can live with big brother/google also databasing every phone call and text....
I remember when having a pager with 3 different color back lighting options was the shizznit. I had one...I was the shiznitt!!
<-------GETTIN' OLD
its just that can pull up your phones bar code and I could take a pic of it and it would load you into my BB chat and such without entering a pin or anything...

So I guess since I don't have a BB or even know what BB chat is, I wouldn't give a rat's ass about this feature.

Justin, verizon is not getting the iphone. AT&T just renewed until 2017 and both my Cousin and garren went through 3 of HTCs before buying blackberrys. They both said they never got a good HTC...I like the tour I have...just dont want to miss out on something not going with the storm 2 as far as apps and such. And I still dont know how to get the bar code thing

More evidence of Verizon's short-sightedness and idiocy, they blew it HARD when they told Apple to kiss off and wouldn't take the IPhone initially.
I had an HTC w/ WinMo and it was FLAKY! Ditched that mofo for a Samsung i910. Of ocurse VZ crippled that phone by decreasing it's memory and locking the GPS. Fidiots.

What JayT said. And, Verizon does NOT support the wireless function or using it as a modem for your laptop.

But - you can get around those F-ers if you have WinMo, there are free apps that do internet sharing and even WiFi broadcast to make the phone a router, VZ can'ts stop it and has no way to track it.

This is one of the (very few) advantages to WinMo, many 3rd parties making apps so the mfr/provider isn't in 100% control.
WTF is this bar code scan business? Why would you need that?

I don't have a Blackberry so I don't know what their bar code scan feature is. My brother in law has an I-Phone and he purchased the bar code scan app. He can scan the bar code of any product and the app will search the internet for the best price on that product. He goes to stores, scans the product, goes to the service department and asks if they price match. When they say they do, they get pissed when he shows them his phone and tells them to match the best price.

He's saved a ton of money on tv's, home appliance, video games, etc.
I don't have a Blackberry so I don't know what their bar code scan feature is. My brother in law has an I-Phone and he purchased the bar code scan app. He can scan the bar code of any product and the app will search the internet for the best price on that product. He goes to stores, scans the product, goes to the service department and asks if they price match. When they say they do, they get pissed when he shows them his phone and tells them to match the best price.
He's saved a ton of money on tv's, home appliance, video games, etc.
that's slick!