Bought a Jeep yesterday.... NEVER trust a garage!!!!

So, who did you buy this from, the owner or the shop. Also who is this tool that would sell you this for the same amount that would take to fix it. Even if it needed a motor, it would be worth fixing. Just curious.
I have a roof leak on my house, I need $3k worth of shingles, think Ill sell for $2 since I cant afford the shingles. WTF!!

No, this was bought from the owner..
I don't car what he was thinking..
I'm happy :D
yea i'd love to know what shop employs idiots, hehe
-Erik <--- should be in time-out for breaking his DD... i'm buying an Astro Van!

That reminds me....
I need to get over to see Kelly and Danny and see if they have
any "take-off" tires that might fit this thing.. :D