Brawndo's got what plants crave

Brawdo's got what plants crave
Brawndo ;)

I blame autocorrect. Even though I don't know what Brawdo is.
For those who have been through, or work in, higher ed it is absolutely no secret that those folks have fewer kids.
(yes I know they say there's more to it than this)
I know so many PhDs who don't have any kids b/c their career paths make it very difficult, especially families w/ two academics.
This is the real irony - those are in fact the people we need to be having MORE kids and spreading all that smartness around the gene pool.
^^^Main reasons my wife and I waited until we were 30 to have our first are 1) we didn't go to school to not focus on our career 2) if we're going to work hard, we're going to want to play harder and don't want a kid holding us back 3) pay off student loan debt/dumb college credit card debt/dumb brand new car out of college debt to get a better financial foundation 4) now we're mid to late 20's and we should buy a nice/respectable house, so should hold off on a kid until we're in. 5) now we're really making some money and we wanna really enjoy ourselves. 6) Wife realizes she's 6 months away from turning 30 7) 5 months pregnant on her 30th birthday.