Build it or buy it, I don't care let's wheel.
BUT, know something about what your wheeling. I'm always willing to help out anyone in my group, but help yourself as well. Have some fore thought on your driving ability, your rigs ability, and your level of preparedness for when shit goes down...maybe you can't fix it, but your ass is just as dirty and sweaty as the guy or gal who is laying under your junk while you run back and forth to the tool box and cooler. Carry spares for the obvious stuff. Have some courtesy for your group in this manner! Bought or built, both break.... line with above...I spend +40 hours prepping my junk for trips out of state-(and still break shit). I don't expect everyone to be the same, but don't load that shit up after you beat it like a two dollar hooker last weekend at the flats, and expect everyone to wrench on your shit on their vacation.
...maybe later we'll talk about DRIVER consciousness of courtesy for the rest of the group...
Edit: I respect anyone that bettered their self and studied hard to get an education or simply make a success story for their self. If you can buy, and worked your ass off to get there, big props to you!